Seriously, vampire books are like a dime a dozen. Yet, I truly enjoyed Tall, Dark, and Vampire. Olivia Hollingsworth was an interesting character. For one thing, you tend to see vampires who are self-absorbed, selfish, and focus on their on agenda. However, Olivia tends to be compassionate and caring. When you see her motley crew of a coven you come to understand where her compassion. Don't get me wrong, she will kick some butt when she needs to.
Then you have Detective Doug Paxton who should be all means a hooligan or thug, but instead is a detective and protector of the good people of New York. Who wants to find this killer and bring him to justice. However, something bad happens and he ends up being turned to a vampire. He's a pretty decent guy before and after being turn to a vampire.
What makes this story unique in my opinion is the Legend of Bloodmate. In the story it is described as "when a vampire found a bloodmate and performed a blood exchange, then both became daywalkers." Olivia believes she possibly found her bloodmate in Doug. Of course, there are a few complications. You can't have them come together magically and they all live happily-ever-after. Seriously, that would be very quick story, and tad bit boring. Oh no, they have to overcome the perils that lay await before them. Yep, nothing like rogue vampires and other crap.
However, a pretty darn book that was worth the time to read. Yes, it is filled with action and danger. So, if are looking for a new vampire book to read, I would say give Tall, Dark, and Vampire a go. Who knows you might find your own bloodmate.
Copy provided by Sourcebooks via NetGalley
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