Saturday, September 28, 2013

Audiobook: Rescue My Heart by Jill Shalvis

So, September's audiobook selection was Rescue My Heart by Jill Shalvis. Confession time: I actually finished listening to this story like three weeks ago. I know, I need the cone of shame. Anyway, I have been putting off writing my review. Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoyed the story. I was just lazy, and I figure I could wait till I found a day that didn't have anything on. Ok, that's a lie too, because there could have been some other days. I'm not going to explain myself to you guys, you just need to deal with.

We have reuniting past lovers. Normally, I don't care for these types of stories, but this one is good. When Adam Connelly was growing up, he was punk and up to no good. So, he went into National Guard to straight his life out. In doing so, he broke the heart of Holly. I can't remember her last name. You got to remember I'm doing this all by memory. Anyway, he goes off, one miss ends up bad and he ends up PTDS.

Back to Sunshine present day. Now Adam trains rescue dogs, but he doesn't go out to field. However, Holly comes to her concern about her father, because she hasn't heard from him in days. Of course, a bad storm is coming, so she goes to Adam for help. During this journey they rediscover they have some unfinished business.

Honestly, I think this is my second favorite book in the series. Adam is that quiet brooding type of hero that makes you want to crack him. Holly is stubborn and that gets her in some trouble. Fun story. The banter between the two of them is hilarious. It seems like Holly and Adam bring out the best and worst out of each other. Overall, Rescue My Heart is a sweet, fun, sassy read (or listen). Now I'm anxious to see what Jill will bring with Holly's brother, Griff, story. Now that should be a good one.


Forewarning: I won't be listening to Rumor Has It until the spring, because that comes out in November. We all know that *I* won't be walking in 30degree weather with the possibility of snow. I love Jill, but not that much. So, be on the lookout for my thoughts possible April or May. 

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