Well, Mike would be a player, man-whore, or whatever name you would like to give him. Commitment wouldn't be a word associated with his character when it comes to women. However, after one drunken night he finds himself leg-shackled to Morgan Collins.
Morgan has no desire to be married. After all she's married to her dream and no man would understand that. However, she has no clue why she would end up married to Mike. Especially, when they both agree that marriage would be the worst thing in life.
All right, I liked the story, but didn't love it. I didn't really have an issue with Mike, because he's just the way he is. There's not much for a player, but I do hold a soft for them (only in stories and not in really life). Honestly, I was surprise with the change in him; I mean he didn't really fight what he was starting to feel for Morgan. Actually, he really wanted to see where all of it would end. My problem actually laid with Morgan. She really drove me nuts. Here we have Mike willing to take a chance, and that's a huge deal, because he doesn't believe in love. When he puts his heart on the line, Morgan basically crushes his heart. I think would have been easier if she took out his heart (like Indiana Jones Temple of Doom take out heart) and stomp on it. Morgan was so focus on believing she couldn't have it all (the career and loving husband), so better to live with one thing and not the other. So, it took a lot of guts for her a take a chance.
The bottom line is: I liked Take Me, but just didn't win me over to love. However, it was still a good read, but Morgan drove me nuts. So, if you are looking for a quick with a drunken wedding, you might want to checkout Take Me.
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