I’m doing great! I hope you are as well!
I’m so glad you are able to be with us today. So, how does it feel to have your debut novel
Never Desire a Duke to be out in the
For those who haven’t a gotten a chance to read Never Desire a Duke can you share what
it’s about?
Never Desire a Duke opens with the across-a-crowded-ballroom
reunion of a married couple who has been estranged for quite some time. The
pain of tragedy has driven them apart to a place where there seems there is
just no hope for reconciliation. An unexpected snowstorm forces them to
confront not only their past, but the consuming attraction between them that
has never died. But they are both smart characters, and know passion isn’t
enough to guarantee a promise of forever…
There were several themes I wanted to explore with this
story. One: As romance readers, we all love the idea of winning the heart of a bad
boy, of a rogue. But what happens once we’ve won them? I’d think there might be
some complications, and that maybe sometimes the past doesn’t go quietly away.
Another theme was the whole idea of marital love. Sophia and Vane, when they
first married, were wildly in love with one another. But there are stressors in
all marriages. We see it today, all the time. Once the heady first days of “the
honeymoon” are over, love either evolves and strengthens or it falls apart. I
wanted to explore those complexities a bit, and poor Vane and Sophia were the
ones who had to suffer for it! J
Would characters Lady Sophia and Lord Claxton be willing
describe each other for my readers?
Sure! I’ve asked them to describe how they perceive each
other at the very beginning of NEVER DESIRE A DUKE.
Claxton describing Sophia: Sophia as a young, new bride
enchanted me. But Sophia as a woman, has become my heart’s obsession. She is
beautiful and smart and strong, not to mention passionate. For the first time
in my life, “forever” doesn’t seem long enough.
Sophia describing Claxton: Claxton is dark and brooding and
mysterious and everything my young heart once desired. Now that my heart has
been broken, he is my fantasy and my nightmare all at once. Though I have no
desire to see him…he never leaves my thoughts. Sometimes I catch a glimmer of
the hero I need him to be, but I don’t know if it’s real or something my
hopeful heart wants to see.
Now that Never Desire
a Duke has been released have you been working on anything new and if so
can you share or is it still a secret?
Ahhh! NEVER ENTICE AN EARL is written, and I hope readers
will love the story of the middle Bevington sister, and a new earl who has come
to London with vengeance in his heart. DUKE took place on a secluded country
estate in winter, but EARL is all springtime and London ballrooms (Oh, and one
dangerous night in a sordid bawdy-house as well!)
I have asked every author that has been interview on my
blog: If you had to write your own autobiography what would your title be and
Because I love language! It’s so much fun to manipulate and
play with, to create different outcomes.
Thank you for stopping by today. Is there anything else you
would like to say before you leave today?
I just want to say thank you so much for having me! I
sincerely hope everyone loves Never Desire a Duke as much as I loved writing
it, and finding out how these characters find their happily-ever-after. I love
to hear from readers, so don’t hesitate to zap me an e-mail through my website,
www.lilydalton.com, to say hello.
Book Blurb:

Claxton has never forgiven himself for the youthful mistake that ruined his marriage to Sophia. Now, after nearly a year abroad, the reformed rogue vows to win back the only woman he's ever truly loved. He'll do whatever it takes to prove he can be the honorable husband she deserves-and the passionate lover she desires.
Bio: Lily Dalton grew up as an Army brat, moving from place to place. Her first stop after relocating was always the local library, where she could hang out with familiar friends: Books! Lily has an English degree from Texas A & M University and after graduation worked as a legal assistant in the fields of accident reconstruction and litigation. She now lives in Houston, Texas, with her family. When she isn't at work on her next manuscript, she spends her time trying out new recipes, cheering on her favorite Texas football teams and collecting old dishes, vintage linens and other fine "junque" from thrift stores and flea markets.
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