Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Lady and the Duke by Olivia Kelly

All right, I did said at the beginning of the month, I might be posting more than one review. Since December is a crazy month, here is another review. 

Well, today's selection is a sweet read that has nothing to do with Christmas, but still a sweet read. Olivia Kelly has just written a novella called The Lady and the Duke. I would like to share with you what it's about and my thoughts.

Miss Audrey Ellis is on her second season and would like nothing more than to go back home in the country. However, her mother has other plans. Lady Witte would love to see her daughter married to someone with a title, maybe even a Duke. What are you going to do with a mother like that?

William Langston, the Duke of Halford, came to London to figure out why his sweet sister was being blackmail by Viscount Claremont. Since that had to come first there was really no time to partake in the season. After all he's not really in the market to find a bride. Although, Will kind of crashed into Audrey and nothing is ever quite the same.

Truly a sweet read. Here's why: Audrey is a darling girl even though she tends to be klutzy with her head in the clouds at times, and would prefer to be reading a book. Nothing wrong with blue-stocking tendency. Then you have William and his dimples. You gotta love a hero with dimples, I don't know what it is about dimples. Anyways. I really enjoyed there awkward encounters and how he forgets the main purpose for his London visit. I liked the story. I also like how the heroine tries to be herself even when it's not popular. I enjoy seeing how Will is willing to accept her the way she is. So, if you are looking for a quick "sweet" read, I would no further and checkout The Lady and the Duke.

I won this copy by luck and being number 2. 


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