
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Top Picks of 2013

As we draw to a close to 2013. I have decided to pick my top reads of the year. Not all my picks were published in 2013, some are a couple years old. However, they were able to make the list. I couldn't put them in any type of order, because it's just isn't going to happen. So, let me share my picks:

1. Let just say that I love Robyn Neeley's books. She has two out and both are Destination Wedding was so much fun and really worth checking out. Her second novel Christmas Dinner was just as much fun that puts you in the holiday spirit.

2. Next pick would be Marina Adair's Autumn in the Vineyard. This story has two people that can't stand each other and let's not forget the Alpaca name Mittens.

3. The Best Man's Baby by Victoria James had one of the best scenes in the year. I mean who wouldn't want to read about the heroine sticking a positive pregnancy test into the hero's
hamburger and uttering the words, "Welcome home daddy". Seriously, that was genius.

4. I can't just pick one of Toni Aleo's Assassins Series, because I actually loved them all in a different. They are definitely worth a look at for the hockey fan or non. However, Trying to Score was my all time favorite, but I might have tiny crush on Lucas Brooks.

5. Targeted by Katie Reus had one yummy hero. I mean when you have a hero compare to a chocolate dessert he deserves some attention. Plus, the
cover is delicious.

6. Game for Marriage by Karen Erickson had a hot naughty football player. Plus, who can say no to a to a panty melting football player.

7. Secrets of a Runaway Bride by Valerie Bowman was a delightful read. Who doesn't love a hoyden heroine with a pet fox. You got to love the hero, because the world is plotting against him.

8. Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros. Who doesn't love an online love affair that consist of 140 characters or less and pop culture. Those with a Twitter or pop culture addiction will enjoy this story.

9. Who doesn't love a good love/hate relationship centered around misunderstanding. This is why I'm including Tempted by Trouble by Michelle Smart.

10. My last pick is never judge a book by it's cover and title, because you never know what you will find inside. So, I leave you with Sexist Vampire Alive by Kerrelyn Sparks. Seriously, I had overlook this book when it first came out, but when I won a copy I said what the hell.

All right, this is the list of the year. Trust me this wasn't even an easy choice. I might have to start doing separate list for particular genres next year. Overall, I have enjoyed majority of the stories I have read and I can't wait to dive into what I might find in the coming year. So, here's the end of 2013 and may you all have a Happy New Year.

Audiobook: Rumor Has It by Jill Shalvis

I know the last time I reviewed an audiobook I said I wasn't going to do another until spring. Obviously that was a lie, because I ended up listening to Rumor Has It by Jill Shalvis narrated by Karen White. Which is the fourth book in Animal Magnetism series. Since I only got a chance to listen to it and not read it so we are just going to dive into my thoughts.

I absolutely loved this book. I mean Griff and Kate are a lot of fun. Basically what makes this book a lot fun was the fact that Kate was willing to put her heart on the line when it came to Griff. Even though Griff had been warned off to stay away from Kate. Of course he can't and Kate isn't putting much effort into staying away from him. Boy these two seem to get hot and heavy throughout the book. Who would have guessed that quiet shy Kate Evans would be a wild child? I guess everyone has to be let loose at some point. I absolutely love Griff. He's has his personal demons and broody. However, he starts to realize he needs Kate and that starts to scare of him. We all know what happens when guys get scared, they become stupid.

Overall, Rumor Has It is a fun book to listen and Karen does a fantastic job reading it. I can't forget Jill, because she's the mastermind to these characters. Honestly, I think she does a great job. So, if you are looking a for a brooding hero and shy teacher that seem to a good time together, you might give Rumor Has It a try.


Monday, December 30, 2013

The Twelve Days of Seduction by Máire Claremont

All right I'm such a dork, because I have been looking at this title for a couple of days trying to figure out why it was so familiar. Then it dawned on me, it was actually in an anthology called All I Want for Christmas is a Duke. I actually do have this anthology, but I haven't had time to read it. I know, the shame. Anyway, I was able to read The Twelve Days of Seduction by Máire Claremont (which I got from the publisher). This is why I'm a dork. So, let me tell you my thoughts on the story.

First off we have the Duke of Berresford, Alexander Hunt and he finds out that his governess, Miss Grey, isn't who she says she is, but actually Adriana Flint. Of course he's upset with this information, so he decides having Adriana as his ward's governess is no longer an option. After all, he wants an honest upstanding person to be her governess. However, he figures another way to keep her at his home as his mistress. Yet, Adriana isn't going to go down without a fight. Oh no she wants him to be challenge, so the seduction begins.

I actually enjoyed this quick read. I liked how Adriana wasn't going to cave to the Alexander. Most people would cave to him, because he's a Duke. I liked how he realized it was going to take more than just seduction to get his governess into his bed. I really like how Alexander realize that there was more to Adriana than the person who kept some secrets from him. Overall, The Twelve Days of Seduction was a nice quick read. So, if you are still in the mood for Christmas stories or absolutely love Dukes, you might give Twelve Days of Seduction a try.

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New Release Blitz + Giveaway: Kiss Me At Midnight by Diane Alberts

Kiss Me At Midnight by Diane Alberts

Entangled Publishing - December 2013


Her New Year’s resolution was seduction.

Doctor Ashley Hanes has one mission and one mission only—end her annoyingly long dry streak and ring in the New Year with a bang. Literally. When her long lost and oh-so-sexy ex-best friend, Ethan Pierce, shows up as if he hadn’t broken her heart all those years ago, suddenly she doesn’t want to bring home just any man. She wants Ethan.

What should have been one night of blow-your-mind make-up sex quickly turns into another. And another. Before long, Ashley thinks maybe she and Ethan should reunite for good. If only the elusive bachelor will stop running from his tortured past and trust a future in Ashley’s arms

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Author Info:
Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times and USA Today bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. ON ONE CONDITION hit #18 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list, and TRY ME hit #76 on Amazon. CAPTIVATED BY YOU hit #31 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.
Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author.  Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, a cat, and a Senegal parrot. In the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be found hunched over one knitting project or another.
Author Links:

Diane is giving away an ebook set of her 'Take a Chance' series, which includes Try Me, Love Me, Play Me, and Take Me. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kiss Me At Midnight by Diane Alberts

I love reading a story that centers around New Year's Eve as we approach that date. I think it makes it fun to read. So, if you have been looking for that New Year's Eve read before the year, Diane Albert happens to bring such a story in Kiss Me At Midnight.

This story centers around two former friends, Ashley Hanes and Ethan Pierce. Back in high school they were best friends, and on New Year's Eve Ethan wanted to become more than friends. However, his dream was crush by a misunderstanding and he decided not to find out what really happen. In the long run cost him his friendship with Ashley.

Now Ethan is back in his hometown for the holiday's and basically looking for an easy lay and he happens to stumble upon Ashley. They have instant chemistry, but Ethan is too fearful to let something actually grow due to his rotten high school experience.

My personal opinion is no one really escapes from high school unscathed. If you are one of the lucky ones that is great. Anyway, Ethan wasn't so lucky, and he actually carries those scars to remind him that it's just safer to keep people at a distance. However, that's an awfully lonely life and he was willing to continue live it up until he started breaking his rules with Ashley.

I liked Kiss Me At Midnight, because you have two friends reunite over some years. Both are a little older and wiser, but that can be questionable. However, they need to move on from the past in order to have a future. I must say that this a is a yummy story with some steam between Ethan and Ashley. So, if you are looking for that one last quick read before the end of the year, you might consider Kiss Me At Midnight.

Copy provided by InkSlinger PR


Not Over You by Marquita Valentine

So, this weekend I read Not Over You by Marquita Valentine. For those who don't know, I LOVE Marquita's writing. It all started with Twice Tempted and I just fell in love with Holland Springs. In Twice Tempted we actually meet Gabriel Edwards, because he was dating Zoe Ambrose at the time. Since then they have broke up. Of course if you have been keeping up with the series you would know that she has married Christian Romanov. Anyway, Gabriel is finally getting his chance at love.

So, Gabriel has decided to move on from his first love of Summer Holland and take a chance with Elise Dumas. However, when he believes he's able to move on Summer waltz back into town and throwing his life into a tailspin. He makes a promise Elise to put her first. Yet, Elise isn't to confident in what Gabe says, because she goes to warn Summer away.
"He'd choose you over me, I know this. So, I'm asking you, woman to woman, to respect our relationship, and stay the hell away."
All right, but if have to warn an ex-whatever away from your man, I'm pretty sure the relationship is doom. That's just my humble opinion.  So, we that working against Summer and Gabriel's relationship already. Fortunately, Summer is able to find a good friend in Jemma Leigh. Everyone needs a good friend, especially when you live in a town believing you are the town's harlot.

Like most of Marquita's other books it does have a strong emotional element. Especially, with Summer feeling like the town's outcast. So, you feels Summer's pain and she tends to be mean and horrible as a way to guard herself from others. This is why Jemma Leigh is important to the story, because she's Summer's personal cheerleader when no one seems to want to the job. It even takes Gabriel awhile before he realize he's to help her when she's pushing others away. I think Jemma Leigh put it best when she describes Summer:
"Sometimes, when you've been battling for so long, it's hard to know when to lay your weapons down and surrender to love."
 I really enjoyed Not Over You, because you have two opposites that are strongly attracted to one another. At the same time, one has let the other down, which forces the other to put up walls around their heart. Plus, it takes a lot of patience and strength for Gabriel to breakdown Summer's wall. Not only that, he's going to try to change a town perception of Summer. I personally love all the Holland Spring books, and Not Over You is just as great as the others. I love do Gabriel and Summer's battle of wits. I love that how story centers around that somethings are just worth fighting for.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lusting for Covers (157): A Scandalous Pursuit by Ava Stone

Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

All right here is my selection:

A Scandalous Pursuit by Ava Stone
Published: February 2011
Series: Scandalous, 3
Genre: Historical, Regency

Book Blurb: 

Even the most ruthless of rogues live by their own code of honor, and for Alexander Everett, the wicked Duke of Kelfield, his includes not seducing the ward of his oldest and dearest friend. However for a man who is accustomed to getting what he wants, the lure of the forbidden fruit is enough to drive him wild. When he finds himself under the same roof as the enchanting Olivia Danbury at a summer house party, he discovers the temptation of the lady is more than he can resist.

Olivia, on the other hand, has the rest of her life all mapped out. When her fiancé returns from the Peninsular Wars, they'll get married, settle down in the country, start a family, and live happily ever after. The sinfully sexy Duke of Kelfield was not in her plans. But when she stumbles headlong into a compromising position with the passionate duke, her carefully constructed life quickly begins to unravel. In no time, Olivia must choose between the life she's always planned and everything she never knew she wanted.

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The cover is pretty, but that's not the reason for me picking this book. Oh no! It's the Wicked Duke of Kelfield. I absolutely LOVE Alex. He's seriously wicked and make any girls knees weak. This past week I won a copy of this audiobook, granted I have read this book numerous time it's just a lot of fun to listen the Wicked Duke's story again. Seriously, I wish I had time to reread the story oh well, now I have the audiobook. So, what are you lusting for? Are you lusting after a wicked duke like I am?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jingle My Way by Tetonia Blossom

As y'all know I have been running a bit behind on my reads. I'm going to blame the two weeks I was knocked out. Anyway, I finally got a chance to read Jingle My Way by Tetonia Blossom. First off, this is her debut novel and I must say that it's pretty amazing. So, what made this story pretty awesome:

So, we meet Nina Carter whose marriage is crumbling right before her eyes, but kind of afraid to make the move to leave her jerk of a husband. Seriously, he's pretty crappy, but I don't think he really sees it. Anyway, she decides to get away and visit her sister in Colorado. While she's there she meets her sister's brother-in-law, Jack Spears. She feels this connection that she never really felt for her husband. Yes, things are about to get a bit complicated.

So, Nina has a lot on her plate with her marriage falling apart, but not only that she also has a heart condition. which causes her to have the fear of death hanging over her head. She's really taken back by how nice Jack treats her and she's not use to it.

First things first, I LOVE Jack. Oh my gosh he's like the dream guy for every girl. Yes, he does give off a bit a player vibe at first and he tends to stick his foot in his mouth often, but when it boils down he tries to do what is best. Jack will melt anyone's heart. Nina is really sweet and kind will put others first before herself. However, she starts to realize she needs to take care of herself and let loose some of her baggage.

I loved Jingle My Way. *Possible Spoiler* I'm surprise that I could tolerate Nina and Jack's relationship, even though Nina's still technically married. Granted her marriage is shambles and not even holding on to a thread. I did like how everything worked out in the end and gave the happy ending. This is a fantastic holiday read. So, if are still in the mood for a feel good holiday read, you might want to checkout Jingle My Way.

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Tangling with the CEO by Annie Seaton

I do love a good story that centers around California, after all it's my home state. I do love when I find things that pertain to California and know that you can't really find them anywhere, but there. For instance in the story, you have Olallieberries. Honestly, like the heroine in the story, I'm not a big fan of the berries. For those who don't know what they are, they are they kind of look like a blackberry, but they have a different taste. Anyway, I should really talk about Tangling with the CEO by Annie Seaton.

We have Blake Buchanan and Anastasia Delaney (Ana) who knew each back in college. Both of them had the hots for one another, but too afraid to act on the feelings. Blake was the landlord and Ana the tenant, and if they had come together it would complicate the landlord/tenant relationship. Well, they finally have a night together, but the next day Ana was gone. So, for 10 years Blake had thought he crossed the line and scared Ana away. While that was further than the truth, but Ana didn't leave any note to let him know. Now Blake and Ana are going to meet again after all these years and Ana will try to convince Blake to keep her department when his company takes over the store she works at. Oh dear, and their past might jeopardize Ana's job.

These two were a lot of fun to read. Both of them had different ideology towards business, which can complicate any situation. While Ana is more about finding what is best for the community than big business, she tends to sacrifice herself for others. While Blake will do things that will benefit the company. However, when he goes out to California and learns about the area the corporation wants to takeover, he realizes that it's not always about business. At the same time he would like to try again with Ana, because he feels that there is something there.

The joys of butting heads and trying to find love at the same. As I said that these two characters were fun to read. The chemistry between them didn't die all those years ago, now the challenge is to meet eye to eye. Both of them can be pretty stubborn. So, if you are looking for a fun clean read, you might try Tangling with the CEO.

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Last Chance Proposal by Barbara DeLeo

So, last night I finished Last Chance Proposal by Barbara DeLeo. I had to really think on my feelings about this book. Normally when I read a Bliss book I usually have a warm and fuzzy feeling afterwards, but I didn't get that. Don't get me wrong, it was a good read, but didn't have that heart melting that I was looking for.

I know that second chance romances are not always the easiest to present and can be a bit a challenging. However, I didn't really feel that Cy Hathaway or Ellie Jacobs really wanted to work. Usually, you feel that one has a strong pull to be with the other and will do anything to get back together with the other. No, Cy needed to find a wife so he could get custody of his son Jonty and he figure that Ellie would be a good choice, because they once had a connection. I know that's how marriage of convenience works in stories, but I kind wish their was a little more chemistry than what was present.

I didn't really feel a strong romantic connection between Cy and Ellie. Then you have Jonty who has selective mutism, which adds a little more complication to the story. So, you have a lot of themes going on in the story: custody issues, marriage of convenience, second chance love, and a past issue that both haven't come to terms. That's a lot to take into a story. I might have felt a bit overwhelm with the themes that were in the story. Bottom line: It's not a bad story. I liked it and the ending did give me a happy feeling. However, feeling that Cy and Ellie really had feelings for each other might be a challenge for me to believe. So, if you are looking for something like this, you might give Last Chance Proposal a try.

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