Monday, December 24, 2012

A Summons from His Grace (Regency Christmas Summons)

All right, we have finally reached the last book in the Regency Christmas Summons. YAY! We have been able to witness a number of weddings in the last three books, might as well continue on, right? Without further ado I bring you A Summons from His Grace.

Compromise for Christmas
Jane Charles

Elizabeth Whitton has been working undercover for the Home Office. She has been in Paris pretending to be Lisette Renard for sometime when her grandfather had summon her home. Being a spy had been going well up until then. Not only is she suppose to come home, but she must also bring home her imaginary husband Jean Pierre Bouvier (which happens to be really John Phillip Trent). Trying to get out of a country without getting caught might be a challenge for the both of them. Lets hope they can make it out.

It Could Only Be You
Olivia Kelly

Harrison Connolly barely makes it back to England when falls at the feet of Lily Beaumont. Fortunately, Lily was able to nurse him back to health. As they start to get to know each other, a bombshell happens to come knocking. That wily Duke will always get his way. Will this affect the budding relationship or will it help progress? Hmm, I guess you have to read. 

Becoming a Lady
Phyllis Campbell

The final story. In this story we meet Dorothy Paxton who is the illegitimate child of Lord George Whitton, which makes her a grandchild of the Duke of Danby. Since Danby is calling for all his family, he sent out Calvin Seton, a former scout officer, to search out his granddaughter. Lets just say it is a memorable meeting in New York. Will Danby accept her or will she hightailed back to New York.

So, what I thought of the last book. First off it has been a lot of fun re-reading these stories and seeing how they all turn out. With Ms. Charles we find ourselves barely escaping the clutches of the French. In Ms. Kelly's story we find hope to bring family back together. And finally, we have Ms. Campbell story of the Duke making the amends to the past.

So, we have just finished the last book in Regency Christmas Summons and we have seen the Duke of Danby make at least 13 matches over four books. Overall it has been amazing and I have loved how all these women brought a story to life. So, I hope you have been enjoying these adventures as I have. In the closing epilogue we find out that Duke has a few grandchildren who escaped his reach this holiday. Hopefully they will be married one day. The ones who escape his grasp are: Nicolas Beckford, the Baron Edgeworth; Lady Miriam Thornhill, Lady Whitton (she eventually marries Viscount Marston); Lady Olivia Foster; Robert Goddard; Thomas Goddard. I hope these grandchildren find a spouses soon.

Since this is the holiday seasons and a time for giving. All those would like a chance to win a $10 gift card to Amazon (US only) have to comment on What is your favorite Christmas romance? I need to start making the list for next year.

Merry Christmas to all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hey Melody,

    I enjoyed your review of "The Trouble with Being Wicked" on Amazon and ended up stumbling upon your blog. I'd like to make an entry for your giveaway, if it's still going on :). My favorite Christmas romance right now is "A Christmas Gambol," a traditional Regency by Joan Smith.

    Hope you had a great Christmas,
    - Chris

  2. Congrats Chris~ I'll be contacting later this week. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!
