
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

eARC: Kiss the Bride by Jody Wallace

I just finished Kiss the Bride by Jody Wallace. All right, I picked this book to read, because I thought the cover was really cute. If we all remember, I'm a cover whore.

Anyways, I started reading thinking this should be a lot of fun. First off I had a hard time getting into the whole story. You have Caroline Oakenfeld whose about to married some guy she shouldn't really, because he just happen to ask her. Hello, he propose over the phone, if that doesn't scream "say no", I don't know what will.  Then she has her best friend, Herman Edward Heckley III, as her man of honor who opposes the marriage. Plus, he's not the only one.

As I said, I had a hard time getting to the story. I think a lot of it has to do with Heck finally realizes that he might have more feelings for Caro. Yet, he's willing help her marry some jerk. However, about the middle of the story the disastrous bachelorette party had me laughing out loud. I think that party save the story for me. I had tears streaming down my face, but other than that the story was an all right read. However, if Kiss the Bride appeals to you, you might want to give it a try.

Copy provided by the publisher


Love At First Date by Susan Hatler

Last month I did a book blast for Love At First Date by Susan Hatler. At the time I just didn't get a chance to read the story yet. Let me just say I really enjoyed this quick read. So, I'm going to share the story and my thoughts together.

Dating can be pretty rough with so many factors that can wreak havoc on humankind. Which is the reason Ellen decided to forgo looking for someone in the bar or coffee shop, no she decided to take her chances on an online dating site. With so many of those sites up and running the chances of finding your ideal mate seems likely to happen, right? This is Helen's thinking. She believes that she has found her possible Mr. Right between these two guys she has been chatting up a storm on line: jusUnME and lookn4luv. Sounds like winners.

However, life doesn't always play fair or the heart. When she ends up dog sitting for a friend, she meets Henry. Henry just seems to make her heart go pitter-patter. Yet, she's dead set on finding her ideal mate using the online website. Let's forgo what feels right and go for statistics, like that always works when it comes to love.

Honestly, I thought this story was really cute. I adore Ellen her goal to avoid being like her mother who hasn't had too much love in love. Then you have adorable Henry who is adorable and not even sure he has a chance with Ellen. So, if you are looking for a cute quick read, you might want to read Love At First Date.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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Cover Reveal: Only For You by Marquita Valentine

If you guys didn't already know how much I love Marquita Valentine's books, you should know. Anyways, I'm super excited to be part of her cover reveal for her upcoming New Adult book Only for You.

Title: Only For You (Boys of the South ~ Book 2)
Author: Marquita Valentine
Expected release: September 2, 2013
Genre: Contemporary New Adult

Book Description:
Loose ends left loose for too long tend to strangle.
Cole and Violet knew it wouldn’t be easy. They knew their relationship would take work. But when the press finds out about Violet Lynn’s newest boyfriend, they start digging.  And when his past come to light, exposing all of his family’s secrets, their relationship begins to fray.

Country Music’s Golden Boy, Jaxon Hunter, has it all, except the girl that got away. What she saw, she really didn’t. What she thought happened, he allowed her to believe for reasons so insane that no one would ever have believed him if he had confessed. But now that everything’s out in the open, he’s going to do his damndest to convince her that he’s the only one for her.

Now Violet must choose between Jaxon— her first love and the guy she thought had cheated on her—and Cole—the guy who helped her heal and love again.

Or will one of them make the decision for her?

About the Author
New York Times Bestselling Author, Marquita Valentine, writes sexy heroes that make you swoon and sassy heroines that make you laugh. She’s the author of the bestselling contemporary romance series, Holland Springs, and the new adult romance series, Boys of the South.

Marquita met her husband aka Hot Builder at Sonic when they were in high school. She suggests this location to all of her single friends in search of a good man—and if that doesn't work, they can console themselves with cheesy tatertots. She lives in North Carolina in a very, very small town with Hot Builder and their two children.

Author social media links:

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours;

ARC: Lady Anne's Lover by Maggie Robinson

All right everyone, I just finished the last book in The London List books. I must say that I that I enjoyed Lady Anne's Lover by Maggie Robinson. Now if you have read the first book in The London List books you would remember Lady Imaculata Anne Egremont. I mean her reputation is notorious. However, there is a reason for all her antics, which you got a glimpse of the reason in Lord Gray's List. So, sometime time in the book you see Lady Imaculata leaving London and heading to Wales. This is where Lady Anne's Lover picks up.

So, we know that Lady Imaculata has fled London and has gone in disguise as a housekeeper. Oh dear, that's just trouble waiting to happen. When she gets to Wales she meets new employer Major Gareth Ripton-Jones. When she meets him, he's not in the best of shape. Basically is wallowing in his self-pity and drink his life away. Every good housekeeper knows to ignore what the master does, since Lady Imaculata (now goes by Anne Mont) isn't a housekeeper she tells it how she sees it.

I actually enjoyed the story, because Gareth and Anne need each other. One really can't survive without the other. I love how they come to the realization that they need one another, even when tho they need to trust each other. I actually enjoy how Ms. Robinson always to add a little danger to her story. You would think it would be the obvious one, but it never is.

Overall an enjoyable story. Yes, you will find a bit intrigue and mystery on who is trying to hurt Lady Anne. Not only that, you also find strength in both Gareth and Anne even after all they have been through life. Plus, Ms. Robinson does know how to write some pretty sensual love scenes. So, if you have a thing for heroine's trying to escape from there past, you might enjoy Lady Anne's Lover.

Copy provided by the author


Monday, July 29, 2013

eARC: Play Me by Diane Alberts

Yesterday, I got the opportunity to read Play Me by Diane Alberts. Which happens to be Ms. Alberts third story in Take a Chance books. I must say that I enjoyed the this quick read.

Kiersten Worth is a single mom to her nephew. She had be hurt badly by her ex-fiancee and has decided that it wasn't worth finding love again. The ex really did a number on her. Garrett Kelly has always had a thing for his best friends little sister and would do anything be in her life. Even if it calls for him to be the pal.

All right, Kiersten drove me nuts. She's the type of heroine that says, "I need you" one minute then tries to push the hero away. Granted she was hurt by her despicable ex and in a way damage goods. So, she drags along her emotional baggage.  Then you have  Garrett who basically sticks it out and try to help her understand that not all guys are jerks. Seriously love Garrett and I love how he sticks by Kiersten's side no matter how hard she pushes him away. There was a couple of times where I thought he was going to throw in the towel, and I wouldn't blame him if he had.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and truly rooting for them to work things out. I do love a stubborn hero, who doesn't know when to quick. So, if you are looking for a quit read with a hero who won't give up, you might enjoy Play Me.

Copy provided by publisher


eARC: Friday Night Alibi by Cassie Mae

A few days ago I read Friday Night Alibi which happens to be Cassie Mae newest New Adult book. I must say that I enjoyed the story. So, lets get to know the characters of this particular story and my thoughts.

We Kelli Pinkins, who happens to live in affluent Sundale. Where the boys and girls of this town only concern is being good until their mummies and daddies give them trust funds. Oh joy. However, some have trouble staying out of trouble, so they turn to Kelli for help. Kelli gives them an alibi to help them out. However, the alibi gig is about to change when she meets Chase Maroney. Chase isn't one of the those uppity-ups from Sundale. He's a bit different and who knows might something special.

The story may sound a tad bit superficial, but it wasn't a bad read. I actually enjoyed the story and I found myself sucked into the story. I would start to put the book down, but couldn't resist the urge to put it down. In the story you learn that Kelli is lonely and truly wants to find friends. However, she is going about it the wrong way. Then she meets Chase, who becomes her real friend. Actually their relationship reminds me a brother and sister relationship at first. As they slowly get to know each their friendship starts to evolve and becomes more. Yet, Kelli alibi gig starts to jeopardizes her budding relationship with Chase, she realizes she needs to decide if she wants to continue her life as it is or make a go of a real life.

The story was a pretty easy read. It kind of reminded me of a young adult book, but still a sweet read. Here is the bottom line about Friday Night Alibi: If you have been reading young adult books and have been wanting to make the transition to more grown up books, Friday Night Alibi would be a good transition book for this goal. Or if you are looking for a quick read that has some witty lines, you might like this book.

Copy provided by Random House via NetGalley


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Audiobook: Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis

I finally got a chance to listen to book two of Animal Magnetism which is Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis. We continue our visit in Sunshine, Idaho where we will be visiting Dell Connelly and Jade Bennett.

If you remember from Animal Magnetism, you would remember Dell as the veterinarian in Sunshine and Jade as the always faithful receptionist. That's all that was needed to be known at the time. Now we are getting to know them a little bit better.

Jade had come to Sunshine 18 months prior escaping from her old life for a bit. She needed to clear her head, before going back to her old life. Let me just say she probably would have kept that little secret to the grave. So, hiding behind a computer and her spreadsheets, she helps at the vet clinic. Dell is a hot veterinarian who happens to be allergic to commit. I'm seriously surprise he didn't breakout in hives when he started a relationship with Jade. Finally, Jade's secret is let out of the bag and Dell decides to help her overcome her fears. As they get close to one another, they realize it be hard to let go of one another.

I love Jade's sassiness and how she doesn't automatically cave to Dell's charm. Dell is charming and every woman wants to be with him. However, he finds that he really likes the company of one sassy young woman who doesn't give a crap about his charm. Overall, I did enjoy listening to Animal Attraction. I can't wait to listen to Adam's story. So, you like hot sexy guy who loves animals, you might want to give Animal Attraction a try.


What Happens in Scotland by Jennifer McQuiston

Seriously, I'm cover whore and wanted to read What Happens in Scotland by Jennifer McQuiston, because of the fabulous cover and the premise of the story.

Some people might think this story is all over the place, but if you any of you have seen The Hangover you would see some similarities. All Lady Georgette Thorold and James MacKenzie what to know is what happen that night. So, they both trying to figure what the heck happen and they both have misconception of one another. For one thing Georgette believes James to be a dirty rotten scoundrel. While James believes Georgette is a low down dirty thief. Yes, both of them are completely wrong about each other, so they help each other to figure out what went down the other night.

What Happens in Scotland is a light fun read and should be looked upon that way. Have you ever had a night you wanted to remember, but just couldn't recollected, especially when there was liquor was involve? If you have, you will completely understand Georgette and James situation. Not only that throw in some towns people who help put the pieces together and crazy family members. Certainly a night that shouldn't be forgotten. If you loved The Hangover and have a craving for Victorian Scotland, you might have a good time with What Happens in Scotland.


Curveball by V.K. Sykes

Yesterday, I finally finished Curveball by V.K. Sykes. I need to say that I enjoyed this story, but I think y'all need to know I'm not a fan of baseball. Never have been, and my husband has told me that it's because I don't understand the game. He might be right on that account. However, I don't see myself learning to understanding the game anytime soon. Yet, I still enjoyed Taylor and Ryan's story.

In the story we have Taylor Paige who loves the game. Seriously, loves baseball, so much so that she ends up as an assistant to the general manager, her dream job. Now she needs to prove herself to the GM that she can do her job, even if she really doesn't have field experience. She gets a brilliant idea (or crazy one depending on who you talk to) to make a trade that could be deem ludicrous.

Ryan Locke is a ballplayer who has been playing in the outfield for sometime, but something isn't right. Now he can't make throws like he use, but is still pretty good at bat. He's hoping for a trade to an AL (American League), so he can just become a DH (designated hitter). Unfortunately, Ryan doesn't get his wish, but ends up playing first base for the Patriots, thanks to Taylor.

I must say I did enjoyed Taylor and Ryan's story. They both love baseball, so much that they have made it their lives one way or another. Taylor is a strong independent person, but at the same time she has her vulnerabilities. Her vulnerabilities lie with her family not being happy with her choice of profession and being in a profession where she is in a minority. Not too many women in the world of baseball. However, she perseveres. Ryan, has a mental block and like most guys can't admit he has a problem and needs help.

So, throughout the story, we see Taylor trying to help Ryan and encourage him seek a professional help. Of course, Ryan has this fear of having the label with getting the help he needs, which jeopardizes his career. Plus, I did like Taylor and Ryan's relationship, which jeopardizes Taylor's career.

Overall, a pretty good read, even if I'm not a baseball fan. So, if you love baseball and hot players, you might like Curveball.

Copy provided by author


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen) by Lisa Renee Jones

Yesterday, I finished Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen) by Lisa Renee Jones. I must say that this would be a more edgier New Adult romance.

Basically Amy has been on the run since she has been 18. However, she doesn't know what she's really running from, but she's in danger. As she settles into her new life, she meets Liam Stone. However, there's some mystery that lies beneath this hot sexy guy.

That would be the simplest sum up of the story. I have to say that to story has many layers and you don't get to uncover all the layers. Yes, you have to wait for the next book to find out the dramatic conclusion of the story, but first half is riveting. As I was reading, I was trying to figure out who Amy should trust, then you get a twist that you weren't really expecting. Captivating would be a great way to describe the story.

Plus the characters are intriguing. Amy whose been on the run for so long that she' not really sure who she is. Then you have Liam and you wonder if he's a good guy or bad. However, Liam is a devastating handsome guy who has wicked tendency in the bedroom (I really hope he's a good guy). Then there are a couple minor characters that you wonder how do they play an effect the story.

So, if you are looking for a new adult read that's a bit hotter than most, you might want to checkout Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen). Plus, Ms. Jones does know how to bring a devastating handsome guy with wicked tendency to life.

Copy provided by author via NetGalley


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fast Forward by Juliet Madison

It's that time of the month again. Yep, it's HEA Book Club time. Well, this month Sara (Harlequin Junkie) has selected Fast Forward by Juliet Madison. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion. So, if you would like to join the fun all you have to do is go to at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST.

My thoughts on Fast Forward:

First off Fast Forward reminded me a lot of 13 Going on 30, you know that movie that starred Jennifer Garner who turns 13 and on her birthday wishes she's 30. The next day she wakes up 30 and still has 13 year old mind, but looks older.

Well, Kelli Crawford is about to turn 25, but the day of her birthday she jumps ahead 25 years and now is 50. Eek, talk about a bad dream. She has no clue why she has woken up at 50 years old when she's suppose to be 25 and having the time of her life. Plus, she's about to have a promising career as a model and dating a hot photography, but those things are no where in sight.

As you read the story, what Kelli planned for her future and what her future actually turns out are two completely different lifestyles and she's trying to figure out why. Well, she starts to realize the life that she's destine to live actually isn't bad and learns that she's experiencing a fast forward. Which happens be to something monumental happens and is sent to the future to help her understand why she choose the life she does.

Now you can understand why Fast Forward kind of reminded me of 13 Going on 30. Overall, I enjoyed. I thought it was a cute read with an interesting premise. How would you handle jumping to the future and seeing why your life turned out different from what you plan? I honestly thought Kelli handle the events quite well, better than I would. So, if you loved the movie 13 Going on 30, I'm sure you will enjoy Fast Forward.

Copy provided by author


Monday, July 22, 2013

eARC: Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! by Candace Havens

I was able to finish Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! by Candace Havens. I found this story really cute. I know that's not something you hear to often when you think of paranormal romance. Paranormal romances conjure up words like action-pack, hot, and danger. Not words like cute and sweet. However, there is a first for everything, right? Right.

What drew me to Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! was the title itself. I mean come on the title alone sounds like a lot of fun. Plus, who wouldn't want a sexy bear keeping you warm at night, especially up in Montana. Trust me it gets cold up there.

Well, Ainsley McLeon kind of stumbled upon some really bad stuff and figured she needed to get herself out of dodge. Smart girl. Anyways, she wasn't really dress for the area she made her escape. I mean who wears Louboutin in the middle of winter in Montana. Fortunately, she's able to hideout in the middle of nowhere Montana and she was able to get a job at the only bar in town, which happens to be own by Luc, oh are sexy bear. He even has a bears temperament at times.

I honestly thought Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! was cute and fun read. I mean I really like how Ainsley pushes herself into Luc's life and the town. I mean it's not always easy to win over shifters, but she manages just fine. Plus, she doesn't take any guff from nobody. Yes, Luc can be thick headed bear at times, even when he lets past events kind of dictate his life.

My favorite line has to be: "If you ever fight in here again, I will personally hang your balls from the rafters." 

Seriously, who doesn't love girl who can stand on her own two feet and talk that way to some shifters. The bottom line: fun cute read. So, if you are looking for tigers bears that aren't too dangerous, you might want to give Lions, Tigers, and Sexy Bears Oh My! a try.

Copy provided by publisher


Miss Goldsleigh's Secret by Amylynn Bright

Last week, I started Miss Goldsleigh's Secret by Amylynn Bright. At first I had a hard time getting into the story. I mean there are some really cute parts and I think the villain could have been a bit more dastardly. However, the story was an all right read once I started to get into the story.

Hero: Henry Cavendish, Marquess of Dalton, happens to be a really decent guy. I mean who takes in a girl and her brother from the street and provides them a safe haven. Not many people. You get the feeling that Henry is very honorable and good. He's definitely not a rake like his friend the Duke of Morewether (now he's a character I would really like to read a story about).

Heroine: Olivia Goldsleigh is a character people might not like. She's a bit stubborn and thinks she can do it all with no ones help. However, Olivia does try to come up with plans to get herself out situations which causes more issues.

Other characters: We have Henry's gaggle of women at his home (his aunt, mother, and four sisters). Seriously that is a lot of women living under one roof, poor guy. Then you have Olivia cousin, Reginald Goldsleigh, as I said could have been a bit more dastardly. I think if his villainy was a little more prominent would have made the story more interesting instead having him kind of poof into the story.

Overall, I liked the story. Yes, Olivia's "I can do it on my own" attitude did get on my nerves some of the time. Plus, I really liked the ending. Actually I thought that was really funny, and probably not likely to happen. Hey, it's a story. So, if you are looking for something to read with a gaggle of women and an honorable hero, you might want to checkout Miss Goldsleigh's Secret.

Copy provided by the author


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Brazen Birthday Bash!

Brazen Books, who brought us Wrong Bed Right Guy, Officer Off Limits, Seducing Cinderella, and Tempting the Player - to name just a few - is turning 1 this month, and they’re celebrating in a big way. They’ve got a ton of great things going on this week, including Twitter parties, FB events, and even a huge sale!  Full deets below:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Letter by Sandra Owens

Last night, I started The Letter by Sandra Owens. When I started the story, I was getting ready for bed and thought this would relax me. Let me just say, don't start this if you plan to go to sleep soon, because you will find yourself not wanting to put the story down. Which happen to be my case. By three I was thinking I need to stop, because I need sleep. However, I craved to finish the story, I started.

Seriously, The Letter is a heart-wrenching story about two lovers who lost so much because a sadist relative. There is no other way of saying Leo Standish was an evil man who manipulated his cousin to believing the woman he loved betrayed him.

Eleven years pass when Michael Jeffres, Earl of Daventry learns the awful truth of what his cousin had done to Diana. Michael doesn't really know the full extent of what his cousin had done until Diana starts to reveal what happen over the years.

Diana use to be this vibrant young woman who was about to have the most magical life, until her life was torn apart by Leo machination. Emotionally broken down by Leo's sadist attitude, Diana started to believe that no man would ever want her.

When I started The Letter, I had tears streaming down my face by the hurt Leo had inflicted on these two people, because he was jealous of Michael. Ms. Owens has the talent to write a compelling story of heart-break and deceit. Truly amazing story, I could not put down and had the need to finish. I felt the gamut of emotion as I read the story. I was crying at the heart-breaking parts and laughing at the endearing.

Here's the bottom line: AMAZING! Totally worth the sleep I had lost over this story. I absolutely love it and look forward to reading other works by Ms. Owen. So, if you are looking for an amazing story of heart-break, deceit, and forgiveness, you might want to read The Letter.

Copy provided by ABG Reads Book Tour
