Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thirty Days to Win His Wife by Andrea Laurence (Review)

The past couple of days I have been working my way through Thirty Days to Win His Wife by Andrea Laurence. I have to say that I enjoyed these two best friends.

Anyway, Amelia ended up going to her 10 year reunion thinking it was going to be great cause she has a successful business. Instead she felt like a failure, cause it seem like everyone was married with kids. On an impulse she ends up marrying her best friend Tyler Dixon in Vegas. We should all know how I feel about Vegas and things that happen. If not, we should know that what happens in Vegas never stays there. In this case that holds true.

After they were married, they believed that a quickie annulment would work, but circumstances change from few weeks they were married. *Snickers* Now there magical time in Vegas has come to a screeching halt and Amelia has tell Tyler he's going to be a daddy. Now Tyler feels that need to stay together for the baby, and negates to tell Amelia he might have stronger feelings for her. So, she believes he's just staying for the baby. Loads of fun.

I enjoyed Thirty Days to Win His Wife, because Tyler and Amelia have this easy camaraderie. After all they have been best friends for 14 years, and each of them has put one another before anyone else. I love Tyler's determination to try to win Amelia to love him, at the same time he's kind of selfish, because he doesn't want to sacrifice his heart.  So, you see a tug of war between the two of them. We start to see that they both fall for one another, but neither one admits it. Honestly, this was a pretty fun story. Tyler's romantic gestures are super sweet, and slowly chips away Amelia's armor. I liked the turning point in the story, and enjoyed the revelation Amelia receives. Overall, Thirty Days to Win His Wife is a fun, loving story that brings these two friends to something special.

Copy provided by the author

Rating 4 1/2 Stars

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