Sunday, April 6, 2014

Love and Other Cosmic Nonsense by AD Marrow

I wanted to read Love and Other Cosmic Nonsense by A.D. Marrow, because the premise of the story just sounded fun. I mean you have a witch, Maggie Owen, who has a vision and ends up breaking up with her boyfriend, Evan Jackson. However, fate brings them back together to fix a wrong.

All right, there was some cute moments in the story. However, the story could have been a little longer. I just felt that Evan and Maggie kind of rushed back into a relationship. Yes, they still had a chemistry, but just felt hurried. I think that if the reconnecting part could have been drawn out and develop more would have been better. I think it would have helped if there was a reconcile period to become friends then lovers would have been more of my taste.

However, it wasn't a bad read. Actually, the story had a lot potential and I'm curious on how the other stories will proceed with this series. So, if you are looking a really quick read, you can give Love and Other Cosmic Nonsense a try.

Copy provided by the publisher


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