Let's recap from the previous book: In The Duchess Hunt, the Trent house just found out the duchess was missing. Which begins the search of the Dowager Duchess of Trent. The search continues in The Rogue's Proposal, and we also get a little more information about the whereabouts of the Duchess. So, more information that ties into the overall story. Now more about the budding romance between Luke and Emma Curtis.
Everybody has heard about the Duchess's disappearance, but Emma might have important information that might help discover her whereabouts. Basically, Emma proposition's Luke to drag her along with his search for the Duchess, due to the fact that Emma's late husband murderer was the guy who kidnapped the Duchess, Roger Morton. Being a smart girl, she put some stipulations on this journey, and Luke took that as a challenge to get under her skirt. As they start their journey he gets to know Emma and kind of develops a conscience on the journey (happens all the time). The more time Emma spends with Luke, the more she feels the attraction between them. Of course Emma caves to the oh so charming Luke.
Honestly, I really loved this book, because it goes back to my thoughts on rogues, scoundrels, and rakes. Yes, Luke is really misunderstood in the book. Partly because of the secret he keeps away from his family and friends. I'm super surprise his family had no clue on the secrets that he keeps. Anyway, he's just a bad boy all around with his kinks. However, Emma isn't really afraid of what he could do in the bedroom, more like intrigued. Even though Luke tries to warn her away, she did open pursues him on the journey. I kind love Luke opens Emma to new things in life. At the same time he opens her up, she starts to get a little fearful, because he won't love her in return. So, Emma has a bit of insecurities. When you learn about Emma's past they become understandable.
Overall, I thought this was a fantastic read. I loved the relationship that builds between Luke and Emma. I also love that we learn a little more about Duchess whereabouts and her past. I'm curious to see what happens next and what new developments will occur in the Duchess disappearance. I personally think it might help to read The Duchess Hunt, before diving into The Rogue's Proposal, because the story just builds from there. However, that is my opinion and you can take it as a grain of salt. So, if you like rogues, scoundrels, and rakes, you might find yourself in love with Luke in The Rogue's Proposal.
Copy provided by author
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