Monday, December 2, 2013

Foolish Game Blog Tour: Dream Cast (Giveaway)

            This is always my least favorite question.  Here’s why:  At a writer’s conference once, Bob Mayer told the audience that Jennifer Crusie had based one of her characters on the Xena Warrior Princess character.  Well, I was reading that particular book at the time and Lucy Lawless was NOT who I pictured when the heroine popped on the page.  Not even close.  In fact, his revelation kind of ruined the rest of the book for me.  For that reason, I try really hard not to base my characters on “real” people.  That’s the best part about reading a book; you can make a character look like whomever you want, regardless of the author’s description.  When I polled my beta readers for their answers to this question, the cast they each came up with couldn’t have been more different from one another—and from mine! 

That being said, here’s my “dream cast”:
Will Connelly                          Channing Tatum
Julianne Marchione                 Mila Kunis
Brody Janik                            Chris Hemsworth
Annabeth Connelly                 Julianne Moore
Hank Osbourne                       Chris Meloni
Sophie Osbourne                    Liz Morgan

What?  You haven’t heard of Liz Morgan?  You will.  She’s starring in the motion picture The Remaining due to be released in 2014.  She’s also my neighbor and I might have based Sophie’s looks on Liz’s.

About Foolish Games:


Bridal gown designer, Julianne Marchione knows better than to lose her head at a client’s wedding.  But much to her embarrassment, a mix of migraine medication and a smoking hot football player lead to a steamy one night stand resulting in a surprise pregnancy. Julianne has every intention of leaving her NFL hookup far in the past until her son, Owen, is born with a life-threatening blood disorder that requires a transfusion—and Julianne is not a match.

Will “William the Conqueror” Connelly grew up tough shouldering the stigma of being a bastard child born on the wrong side of the tracks.  He refuses to let any child face the same discrimination. When he finds out about Owen, he’s furious that Julianne kept his son a secret. But when he sees her again at the hospital, he realizes that his feelings for her go far beyond anger.

Will insists that Owen recuperate at his home in North Carolina, and he’s adamant that Julianne become his wife—even if it’s only a temporary marriage in name only. But will their simmering attraction ever lead to a real connection?  Or are they just playing foolish games?

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Author Bio:
Author Tracy Solheim has written her share of best sellers and note-worthy books. Unfortunately most of them line the shelves of dusty government offices around the world never to see the light of day. She hopes to change that with her series of contemporary romantic fiction novels published by Berkley Books.

“I guess you could say I’m a frustrated sports writer at heart, but I love writing—and reading—books centered around sports. I can thank my dad for that. He introduced me to Dick Francis novels when I was a teenager and I was hooked. I am also a big fan of the happily ever after endings of romance novels, so it was only natural that I combined the two elements in my fiction debut.”

To find out more about Tracy Solheim, visit her at:

Giveaway details:
Tracy is giving away a $50 Amazon gift card and signed copies of GAME ON and FOOLISH GAMES to one random winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For a List of the Full Blog Tour Schedule: