Back in The Summer He Came Home we see Raine and Jake were down each other throats. Well, a lot things happen we didn't know that went down. Basically, Jake bailed and left town believing it was for the best. However, he started to realize that it wasn't the best idea, and he needed to face his demons. So, jump ahead a year later to find Jake trying to make amends to Raine.
So many emotions running through this book. First off Jake and his brother Jesse were basically in love with the same girl. However, Jake let Jesse have Raine. Now Raine is a widow, and Jake is coping with his feelings for Raine. He's not sure if he should go after her or not. After all, Raine was his brother's wife first. Raine and Jake are trying to navigate through their feelings for each. It's like one step forward, then two steps back. Every time they seem to make a break through Jake gets scared and believes he's dishonoring his brother.
This is simply a friends to lovers story. I really loved this story, because you have two people who are perfect for each other. However, there main obstacle is the past. It might have saved them some trouble had they started dating each other instead of Jesse and Raine getting together. However, Jake basically let Jesse have whatever he wanted. Then you have a complication of Jake's friend Lily. Boy does she stir up trouble, and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not. So, I was a little worry there for a moment. Granted Jake wasn't really into Lily and probably thought of her more like a sister.
Overall, LOVED The Christmas He Loved Her. Seriously, this series is fantastic. Truthfully, this story can be read anytime. Yes, there is a Christmas theme, but the Christmas part is pretty quick. So, take a chance on The Christmas He Loved Her and other book in the series.
Copy provided by Sourcebook via NetGalley (but I did by this book)
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