You have Risa Clay who is a Vegas showgirl who has a side business of selling "sensual marital aids and exclusive nightwear for couples"(fancy way of saying sex toys and lingerie). She grew up waiting for the rug getting pulled from underneath her or waiting for the other show to drop.
Then you have Teague Elliot who grew up not knowing what it was like to grow up on the wrong side of the tracks. He's had a privilege life and has used to his full advantage. Plus, he's one of those guys who has his life planned out to the minute. All his blocks are lined up perfectly.
However, all that changes when his life gets turned upside down by Risa. Now Risa made a deal with the devil and now she is dealing with the fallout and trying to fix what she has done to Teague.
Sweet Southern Betrayal happens to be an awesome read. I mean you have this heat between Risa and Teague, but at the same time they are just buying their time till they fix the issue at hand. However, things start to change between these two. Risa is more than willing to let thing go with the flow while Teague is a bit stubborn. Teague is just so focus on his goal that he doesn't see what he has until it's almost too late. Overall, this was a fun read, because you have two people that couldn't be anymore opposite than Teague and Risa. So, if you are looking for a sassy heroine that could drive a stick in the mud crazy, you might have winner with Sweet Southern Betrayal.
Favorite Quote:
"The truth is that people always let you down. Look at my father for a recent example. So if you expect it then you’re never disappointed.”“But then you never really get to know anybody. You never let anyone in.”
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