Andrew Carrington, Earl of Bellingham, is actually a pretty decent guy. However, you wouldn't know that by his raking around. Most rakes only do the wicked things, because they want to keep things hidden from the rest of the world. Bell is no different, but we can't focus on his noble qualities quite yet. Why you ask? Well, our very wicked Earl wants something. Of course, it happens to be a very attractive young widow.
Laura Davenport, Lady Chesfield, has been warned to avoid Bell at all cost. Yet she can't avoid him when he makes his presence in her life. You know that their encounter changes everything. Especially, when Bell offers to help her wayward son stay out of trouble.
As I said Bell is a decent guy, who hides it well from the world. The more I read the story I really did love Bell. Granted I do have a soft spot for rakes, but he really does have a noble heart (don't want to leak that out, might ruin his reputation). He really does care about others and willing to help them when they are in trouble. He might even go a tad bit overboard at times, but those qualities make a born leader.
We can't forget his buds Harry and Colin. Good lord, they are definitely fun. Especially, the banter between the two of them. Whenever they enter the picture all I could do was shake my head and laugh. Seriously, they're that funny. I can't wait read more about them.
Most of all I love the friendship between Laura and Bell. I mean they are perfect for each, even though they don't want to succumb to their feelings. You watch how the respect for one another grows between them and makes you truly hope they end up together in the end.
Overall, a great read from Vicky Drieling. Plus, a fantastic start for her new series. I can't wait for more. Honestly, I love Vicky's book because they are completely fun to read. So, if you are looking for a light fun read, I would suggest getting your hands on What A Wicked Earl Wants. Who knows you might want a wicked Earl for yourself.
Copy provide by Forever Romance via NetGalley
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Thank you for the lovely review!!!