For one thing it was a captivating story. I can't resist a captivating story. Who doesn't love a story with twins who switch places to help each other. However, it doesn't bode well for Kylie Roberts who is filling in for her sister, Stacy, at the strip club. You know finding a dead body after work and realizing you met the Detective while at work. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I really like Kylie, because she's the polar opposite of her sister who is identical in looks. I like that she's more than a pretty face and wants to make it on her own. Plus, to prove the people back that she become better than her mother.
Detective Trevor McCade wants to solve this case. However, he's really drawn to Kylie. *possible spoiler* However, he did do a big no-no in the book. My mouth just drop, because it's the first rule when bedding a woman. Don't say another name in the midst of passion. Other than he's a really decent guy.
I did really like Lover Undercover, even when I'm not a fan of women who use their past to avoid a perfect guy. However, I love how Trevor and he really aim to win her heart. Towards the end everything happens really fast, but the ending is still satisfying. So, if you are looking for a hot detective and a twin willing to help her sister even when it's a bad idea, you might enjoy Undercover Lover. Who knows you might uncover a love?
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Sounds like a good book, thanks for the review, I'm off to put it on my list! :D