Thursday, December 31, 2015

Just Thinking: The Goodreads Challenge

I guess this would be the last post of the year. I can't believe that it has finally come to this. Are you one of those readers who participates in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I didn't start participating until 2013, and I actually like participating in it. Here's why I get to see all the books that I have read. So, lets take a walk down memory lane. 

In 2013, the first time I actually participate. I set my goal to be 275. I was an overachiever that year. I was able to accomplish 317. Man I felt like king, I mean queen of the world. Anyway, I figure I would up the ante in 2014.

2014, I started out with big dreams of another 300 year. Well, as the year progress I had to drop my numbers to 275. Let me say I barely made that goal. So, for 2015 I decide to drop the number to something manageable. 

So, this year I decided to aim for 200. This year I was able to surpass my goal by 26 books. YAY! Happy dance! So, I guess when it goes live I will make 2016 the year of 225 books and hopefully I can surpass that. 

I also love the fact that Goodreads shows you the facts of how your reading year went. I don't remember them doing this in the previous years or if I was totally oblivious to the fact. So here are my facts of 2015: 

I have to say that this information is cool. It breaks it down to how many pages I had consumed during the year. Plus, they show me which book was the shortest and longest books. Out of all the books I read which one has been read the most and the least. Stinking cool. 

They also show me my average rating and out all of my books which one was the highest rated on Goodreads. Facts fascinate me. It makes my inner nerd rejoice. 

Then to see this at the end makes it worth while. 

Yes, I'm bragging a little, but I love that Goodreads provides this information. Do you have an inner nerd that geeks out at this information or are you cool with what you read? Will you participate in the Goodreads challenge or sit this one out? It's an amazing way to keep track of all the reads of the year. Seriously, I didn't know that they tally the number of pages you accomplish in the year. Let me know what you think of this challenge. Of course don't forget the about my giveaway ( I feel like Bob Barker when he use to sign off on the Price Is Right with "Help control the pet population have your pets spade or neuter good bye). Plus, have a fun and safe happy New Years Eve. 

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