Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year to You from Me!

I hope this new year will bring new and exciting things for you, me, and my blog (I hope). Here's what I have plan for the blog and I hope that it all pans out. If not, oh well.

So, my blog New Year's Goal:

1) Tame My Shame. Yes, I have been shameful blogger at times with ARCs. I'm going to play catch up on them this year. Like I have said in my post for 2016 Blogger Shame Review Challenge I have plan to read 24 books in this year that have been giving me the evil eye.

2) Write a few personal post. That's right, you will be seeing more of my Just Thinking post. I can't guarantee that they will be amazing or entertaining. I will try. More likely you will be thinking, "Good lord she's thinking again."

3) Stay on Top of things. HA! This one might be a challenge, but I strive to do my best.

4) Celebrate my Blogaversary. I know I'm a slacker, and I tend to forget. This year I'm making a goal not to forget. So, be on the look out for the blogaversary in March.

5) More Audiobook Reviews. I have found that I do love listening to books while I clean. I hate cleaning, but if I get to listen to a book bonus. Hey, toss me some selections on what should I listen to and I will look to see if it will be a good fit for me.

6) I will back log all my reviews. I started this, but I'm not very far. My goal is to finish before the end of 2016.

7) Responding. I aim to respond more to your comments this year. I know I haven't been the best in the past, but I have been trying. I will get it down.

8) Have Fun! I think sometimes I we get bogged down with the monotony.

Finally, Thank you for your love and your support. You guys are amazing for sticking by me. 

You can also follow Me at these locations too:

May the New Year bring wonderful surprises! Don't forget about my Christmas Giveaway (Link) (and don't forget to control the pet population. Sorry I just had to do that), which you might be sick of me saying it's going on. I hope not. Happy New Year!

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