Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Crashed Out by Tessa Bailey (Review)

Warning you will need a cold shower after reading Tessa Bailey's Crashed Out. Tessa is definitely the Queen of Filth (her dirty talk is fantastic). Tessa has an art form of making her heroes just say the dirties things that will melt your panties off. Not only that, her stories are fantastic.

So, we have Sarge Purcell who was able to get out his small town New Jersey and make a name for himself. He has come back to get the girl that has haunting him forever out of his system. Sounds like a fantastic plan. Now the girl who has capture his attention, Jasmine Taveras. Jasmine has always dreamt big, but when life didn't go according to plan she had to stay in her hometown living with the shame of never making it big.

How do these two fit together? Technically they don't. Sarge has had a crush on Jasmine forever, but we also need to know that she is his senior by seven years. It does seem like a lot when she's almost pushing 30 and he's 22. However, they seem to work well in the sex department, but there is a slight problem and it's the age difference. I forgot to mention Jasmine is best friend with Sarge's older sister. Okay, that does make a little complicated. Sarge doesn't sees a problem, Jasmine is the one with the real problem. Hey whatever floats his boat. Honestly, I don't have problem with the age gap, because he's been on the road touring for four years and that ages you in experience quickly.

Anyway, I enjoyed Crashed Out. However, I had few issues with Sarge's sister towards the end and I know she's getting her own book, and I hope that they get solved. However, I saw what she did as a dick move. So, I'm curious on how she's going to be redeemed in my eyes. Anyway, I did enjoy Sarge and Jasmine's story. If you are looking for that hot, dirty talk that might melt the panties off, you might enjoy Crashed Out.

Copy provided by Entangled via NetGalley

4 Stars

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