Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Me and My Thoughts: On Other People's Reactions on Books

How many of you out there actually look at the publisher's lines? Honestly, I never did until I started writing reviews. I have to say knowing the different lines a publisher might have could save readers time and energy. It could help them find a new area to read or it could help them avoid ones that wouldn't appeal to them. 

Every now again I will glance at review, because I like to see what others thought of a book. Then I will come upon a comment like, "That book just had way too much sex." Or "It was sweet, not a lot sex in the story." Of course I'm going to check the publisher and what brand the book is under.  Yes, I will laugh depending on the brand and publisher it falls under and think "What did they expect." See important. 

As readers we should educate ourselves, because this is going to make the reading experience more enjoyable. So, here my helpful tips:

  1. Get to know the publishers website. They are good for other things too like when a book is coming out or events that might interest you. 
  2. Look at the lines a publisher has, like I said it might save time and energy. Plus, leave you less aggravate about a book. 
  3. Learn what you like. Seriously, if a ton of sex turns you off then avoid lines that might that in the books. Or not enough sex. Whatever. 
However, those are some tips. You take them or leave them. Here are some of the publishers websites and the lines.

The great thing about this publisher is you can try out a line to see if you will like it. They do offer a free download of a book. It's a PDF form, but hey it saves. 

I use to be able to find the different line, but I'm just not finding any luck. However, Avon Romance is still a useful site, because your find all sorts reviews, books, author, and other stuff. 

Chock full of stuff. You find about the authors, books, events, and much more. 

Forever Romance:
Okay, you might have better luck on find information on social media. However, the site shows what is available now and coming soon. 

Penguin Random House:
What I like about this site. You can go to there about us page and click on imprints and it will give you a list of every line they own. They will redirect you to information about that particular line. 

St. Martins Press:
It's an all right website. You can find out new releases, and upcoming stuff. It gives a general information about imprints. 

Entangled Publishing:
They give you their imprints and descriptions. Easy to find. I like this site, because it's easy to navigate. If you sign of for their newsletter they will inform you about sales and free books. 

Other sites that super helpful:
Romance at Random:

The information is out there for every one. Like I said you can this information and do whatever you want. I know that Entangled, Harlequin, and Avon are really good about sending information about sales on books if you sign up for their newsletter. I hope this helps you all out on navigating through the plethora of books you might find. One final note self-pub books: Your guess is as good as mine on sweet to steam. I guess you have to rely on the reviewers. 

Good luck to you all on your quest of finding good reads. 

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