Monday, April 15, 2013

The Cinderella Makeover by Hope Tarr

Yesterday I spent the whole day reading the book two of the Suddenly Cinderella series. I know I kind of cutting it close, but I made it. So, let me give you the book description as you would find on Goodreads, Amazon, or any e-tailer that would carry The Cinderella Makeover by Hope Tarr.

Fashionista Francesca St. James has agreed to work as a "fairy godmother" on the reality TV show Project Cinderella, taking contestants from geeky to dreamy. When Francesca’s archrival bets she can't transform the awkwardly sweet CEO to hot in under eight weeks, Francesca accepts the challenge.
 As CEO of a tech company, Greg may have billions, but what’s it worth without a woman to share it with? From day one on the show though, he clashes with his gorgeous fairy godmother—yet off-set, he can’t stop thinking about her. But this sexy woman is so far out of his league…and wants to change every single thing about him. It's up to him to show her it's more than clothes that make the man.
May the best man or geek win…
Now you would like to know my thoughts, so here we go:

Back in November I actually read the first book of Suddenly Cinderella series, which was Operation Cinderella. During the first book we actually do meet Francesca St. James, because she is the mother of Samantha. However, the last time we saw her in that book she was with her current boy toy Freddie the sous chef. Sadly there relationship didn't last. I know, so sad. Obviously, he wasn't our Cinderella's prince charming. Now the magic vintage Sacs scarlet slippers have made there way through Macie, Starr, and now Francesca. They seem to work for the previous recipients, lets hope they work for Francesca.

As I was reading The Cinderella Makeover, it kind of reminded me of Cinderella meets the Ugly Duckling. Here's why: When Francesca actually meets Greg for the first time she saw real potential with his looks, but he was too focus on his company that he didn't put much effort into his appearance. About a year later, Greg realizes that he needed to change something in order to find his soul-mate. Wow, kind of refreshing to have a guy like that. By throwing these two people on a Reality TV was an interesting way to get these destiny lovers together.

I actually thought it was unique to have Francesca and Greg relationship start off from enemies and have them slowly progress to lovers (enemies-->frienemies-->friends-->lovers). Plus, I love how Ms. Tarr had to add Francesca's nemesis (Deidre Dupree) to the mix. Most of all I love Greg's ugly duckling transformation and his love for ABBA (yes, that 1970s band). He wasn't bad looking, but he was hiding from the world and afraid to take a chance on him.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I thought Greg and Francesca were great together. Of course, I was chuckling at parts (of course you have to when you have a guy singing ABBA songs) and I got a bit choked up. So, if you want to a story where Cinderella finds her prince charming in a form of an ugly duckling (by the way that ugly duckling did turn into a beautiful swan), you might want to take a chance on The Cinderella Makeover.

Now I wonder if those magic vintage Sacs scarlet slippers will help another find true love? I hope so.

Copy provided by the publisher


Purchase Links:
Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~Kobo

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