Monday, April 22, 2013

Deep Autumn Heat by Elisabeth Barrett

Saturday I started Deep Autumn Heat by Elisabeth Barrett and finished it yesterday. I have to say that I liked this book. I mean it's a nice start for a debut book and a good start for a new series.

Today we are visiting Star Harbor. In this story we meet the Grayson brothers, but we are focusing our attention on Sebastian Grayson. Seb is a renowned chef who has been around the world and known for his womanizing ways. Yet, he is willing to put away his womanizing ways when he gets a taste of Lexie Meyers and her mouth-watering coconut cake.

Now you want to know what I really thought of the story. First off, I did like Ms. Barrett writing style. I thought it was really pleasant. However, I wish there was a little more tension between Lexie and Sebastian, but it was still good. Throughout most of the story it we had pleasant feel. It wasn't until I got closer to the end where we finally got a little more tension that I was looking for.

Overall, it was a pleasant read for debut novel. I'm interested to see how the other brothers find love. I did like Lexie and Seb's story. I like cocky heroes, and Sebastian is cocky. Plus, I like how Lexie didn't really put up with his crap. I mean, Seb did some stupid things. So, if you like cocky chefs you might enjoy Deep Autumn Heat.


Purchase Links:
Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Kobo

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