Friday, April 26, 2013

Sexy in a Bottle by Andrea Laurence

What would you do if you happen to find an unconscious naked man in your area? Would you automatic assume he was Djinn or genie? Probably not.

Well, Valerie Thomas just happens to stumble upon a naked unconscious man. Just thinking he just washed up on shore from the in coming nor'easter. Now Rajan needs to convince her to believe he's a Djinn and get her to make some wishes.

I actually liked Andrea Laurence's new novella Sexy in a Bottle. For one thing who wouldn't want a sexy Djinn granting them at least three wishes. I love how Ms. Laurence didn't go the traditional way as genie in a lamp, but in a sapphire amulet. For one thing, that makes it unique.

I actually like how Valerie imposes her own self exile. I think that makes it a lot easier for Raj and her to get to know each other. I think it's a wonderful quick read that anyone who is looking for a sexy genie might enjoy. Bottom line is: If you are looking for a little magic, you might want to give Sexy in a Bottle a try. Who knows you might get lucky and find your own genie? I haven't yet, but there is always tomorrow, right?

Copy provided by the author


Purchase links:
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

1 comment:

  1. Just added this one to my wish list. Looks like a really fun and sexy read !

    Joelle from:
