Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Guest Post: Michelle Smart (Tempted by Trouble Blog Tour)

I would like to welcome Michelle Smart to What I'm Reading! Let me turn over my blog over to Michelle.

As anyone who knows me (or has been following my blog tour) will attest, I always write to music. Indeed, I have my earphones in right now and a random shuffle on (I’m lying – I downloaded Imagine Dragons’ Radioactive earlier and keep hitting play on that!).

I do have specific playlists, which I listen to depending on the particular ‘mood’ I am writing at that time. I have an ‘angsty’ list, a ‘getting jiggy with it’ list (I have young children. They think it means dancing ha ha ha!), a ‘broken heart’ list and a ‘falling in love’ list. There’s also the main list which has every song on it from all the lists, and some extras. Phew.

But no matter how extensive the lists are, there’s always a handful of songs I hit repeat on; songs that capture the mood of where I am at that point so perfectly. And there is always a song that ends up belonging to that book… With Tempted by Trouble that song was Wonderful Life by Black. It just encapsulates everything about it so perfectly. Right from the opening bars I’m swept away with the almost steel-drum beats. It’s a song full of melancholy but it always makes me think of long, sandy beaches and bright blue skies, and the lyrics match perfectly what Pippa is going through (I would reprint some of them but I’d likely be in breach of copyright).  

Even if you have no desire to read Tempted by Trouble, please, have a listen to this song. It’s utterly gorgeous. Black, A wonderful Life:

I would like to thank Michelle for taking the time for making this post. Here's a little bit about Michelle, how to connect with her, and about Tempted by Trouble.

A bit about the author Michelle Smart:
Michelle's love affair with books began as a baby when, according to her mum, she would throw her teddies out of the cot and cuddle with books instead. This love of all things wordy has never left her. A voracious reader, her tastes cross all genres. Her first experience with romance was as a child devouring copious amount of fairy tales. As her reading tastes evolved, she discovered something special--a book has the capacity to make her heart beat as if falling in love the first time.
When not reading or pretending to do the housework, Michelle loves nothing more than creating worlds of her own featuring handsome heroes and the sparkly, feisty women who refuse to take crap from them. She hopes her books can make her readers’ hearts beat a little faster, too.

You can find Michelle:

A Bit about Tempted by Trouble:

As far as Marco’s concerned, wild child Pippa has ruined his life once and he’ll be damned if he lets her do it again. But it’s hard to reconcile the adolescent he knew with the mature, beautiful woman who stands before him. Soon he's questioning if everything the media is claiming about Pippa is the truth, or if he should trust his heart.

Socialite Pippa Rowantree has always provided excellent fodder for the UK’s gossip rags. After another unfortunate scandal sends the gossips into a feeding frenzy, her shamed family retaliates by forcing her into hiding at old family friend, Marco Capello’s lush Caribbean estate—literally the last place on earth she wants to be.

If you would like to purchase Michelle's Tempted by Trouble just click on the links:

Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Kobo 

Michelle is also doing tour wide giveaway. So, if you would like a chance to win a gift card don't forget to fill out the rafflecopter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm totally intrigued. I'm sure a lot of sizzle and steam can be generated on a lush Caribbean estate I can't wait to see how Marco changes her mind about being there. Thanks for the giveaway!
