Saturday, April 20, 2013

On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves

All right I started On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves a few days ago. Normally this wouldn't be a book I would pickup, unless it was part a book club book. Which it happens to the April selection for HEA Book Club which is hosted by Harlequin Junkie. Everyone is welcome to the discussion of the book of the month. So, if would like to join the discussion On the Island on April 25th come join us. If don't get a chance to read it before then, it's all right it's a lot of fun to chat with others.

Anyways; enough about that the HEA Book Club, so let's get going on the book. For those who don't know anything about the book it's about Anna Emerson and T.J. Callahan who ended trapped on a deserted islands close to the Maldives. What should have been a fun adventure for Anna turned out to be a worst nightmare (to be honest anyone).

When I started the first chapter, I thought if you believed in omens you might have taken the signs not to go. However, if Anna and T.J., didn't go we wouldn't have had this book. Honestly, I thought the story was beautifully done.

When the book started Anna was 30 years old and T.J. was 16 almost 17, so as the story progress you saw the dynamics change of there relationship changed. I really thought  the author did an amazing job with them. I love how Anna and T.J. were able to keep their relationship as friends while he was still underage. I enjoyed how you watch their friendship blossom to something more as they got older. Especially, when there was no hope of making it off the island. I think it would be harder if they didn't have each other.

Seriously, a beautiful book about survival and hope. I laugh at parts and got choked up at others. By the end of the book I had tears streaming done my face. As I said, I don't know if I would have picked up this book on my own, but I'm glad I got a chance to read On the Island. I really loved the love between Anna & T.J. I think sometimes when you get thrown into a situation like that you are either live or die. T.J. and Anna decided to go against the odds to live.

Overall, amazing. So, if you are looking for a book on going against odds, I would suggest reading On the Island. Plus, this book is an amazing book for a book club selection, because there is so much to discussion on the topic of getting stranded on an deserted island. Honestly, I would suggest On the Island for any book club looking for a great read.

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Purchase Links:
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