Friday, April 19, 2013

Taking Shots by Toni Aleo

A few days ago I started Taking Shots by Toni Aleo. I must say that I was impress with this story, for a couple of reasons. However, the main reason is I'm not a hockey fan, but I really felt like reading a hockey book. Even though I'm not a hockey fan this story was worth the time to read. Plus, the cover is pretty hot.

In the story, we meet Eleanor Fisher (Ellie) who is a bit insecure with her appearance and lacking in self confidence. Yet, she was able to attract one of the hottest guy, Shea Adler, on the team, but she kind of wonders why he's with her. After all he is known for dating bimbos and not the average girls. However, Shea was hooked from the first moment he saw Ellie.

I love Shea. He's such a great guy in this book. Oh my goodness, the man had patience of a saint when it came to wooing Ellie. Seriously, he was really sweet and practically followed Ellie like a puppy dog. Normally, this type of hero wouldn't work for me, because I tend to like the bad boy. Yet, this image work for Shea and I just fell in love with the guy.

Ellie is a mess. After reading the story, I completely understand why. After breaking up with the douche-bag, Ellie really had to do some repairs on her self-esteem. Not completely repaired, but with Shea's help she was able to overcome her obstacles. Her family didn't really help with the situation either. Her mother was a piece of work (that's all I can say).

Overall, I loved the story. I especially loved Shea and how loving he was. Seriously, he was amazing. Some of the things he did in the book really touch my heart (honestly, any girl would want him). Ellie was adorable. Plus, Shea and Ellie were so cute together. So, if you are looking for a sweet hot hockey guy with an adorable girl, you might want to read Taking Shots. Or if you love hockey books you might want to grab this delectable read.

Copy provided by Random House via NetGalley



  1. Ooh, I'm glad to hear you loved this one so much, I've had my eye on it for a while! :D I may have to bump it up the list now!


    1. I'm waiting for it to become a loveswept book so I can get, but it. I really want to read the rest of them, because I loved this book so much. It was really good. I'm serious I really love the hero.
