Monday, April 1, 2013

It's Spring (or that's what it's suppose to be)

Taken with my iPhone in California
Isn't that a pretty picture. Kind gives you the essence of spring. Anyways, it's a new month with new list of books and events. I kind of feel cheated that Easter was in March, but at least I have a spring background. Anyways, I hope that wherever you are that it's starting to warm up and if you are in the southern hemisphere I hope that you are enjoying the weather.

So, here are the schedule events of the month (however more stuff could pop-up): 
~March 31st - April 10th Hero of My Heart Blog Hop
~8th Victoria James A Risk Worth Taking Blog Tour (Interview)
~9th Michelle Smart Tempted by Trouble Blog Tour (Guest Post)
~15th A Cinderella Makeover Blog Tour (Review Stop)
~April 23rd - May 1st The Assassins Hockey Blog Hop

List of Reads:
Breaking Her Rules~Katie Reus
The Cinderella Makeover~ Hope Tarr
A Bandit's Stolen Heart by Michelle McLean
Chasing Mrs. Right ~Katee Robert
Tempting Camaeron~ Karen Erickson
Night Demon~Lisa Kessler
Taking Shot~ Toni Aleo
Lady Vivian Defies a Duke~ Samantha Grace
Stroke of Genius~ Mia Marlowe
Sacrifice of Passion~ Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
A Very Exclusive Engagement~ Andrea Laurence
The Mistress Memoirs~ Jillian Hunter
Barefoot in the Sand~ Roxanne St. Claire
On the Island~  Tracey Garvis-Graves
Summer in Napa~ Marina Adair
Of A Little Bit Sinful~ Robyn DeHart

Of course there might be more books that might pop-up, but these are the ones that need to be read.

With that March's recap:
With my crazy long list and then adding some books to the list. I manage to accomplish the task set before me. Trust me that was a crazy long list. I hope I can accomplish my new list before the next month. So, I'll get hopping on it. See y'all around.

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