Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Undeniably Yours by Shannon Stacey

I guess it would be this morning even though the sun has not grace me with its presence, and also it's like 4am my time. Yeah, I know I should still in bed, but I just had to get my thoughts on the computer about the book I just finished. Granted I probably remember most of what I thought of the book at a decent hour, but I figured I'm up might as well get it done.

Anyways, I just finished Undeniably Yours by Shannon Stacey. Let me just say it was undeniably great. I mean the story had it all to make a great romance. Here's how it had it all:

First off you have a super charming great guy, Kevin Kowalski. I mean super decent, especially when accidentally knocks up Beth Hansen on a one nightstand. I mean he could have backed out of the situation and basically call her an out right liar. Or he could have said I want nothing to do with the child. No; he didn't do that, in fact he step up and took it like a man. He basically wanted to help in whatever way he could.

Beth unsure what to expect, but certainly didn't expect him to step up to the plate. Actually that really scared her. In fact she didn't really want his help, but he wasn't going to backdown. So, you have one extremely independent woman who wants to do everything on her own and not ask for help. Then you have a compassion guy who is willing to do anything to gain the trust and love of this woman.

Oh man, talk about having your heart drawn out and filet. Seriously, Ms. Stacey knows how to make a heart-wrenching story. Even though most of the story has a happy and heart-warming tone, but there's a couple parts where I had tears streaming down my face. Granted the stream of tears didn't happen until I got closer to the end, but it still got to me.

Kevin is a decent caring guy, who is willing to take on his responsibility. Most guys in his situation would have taken the easy way out when given the opportunity. However, he stuck with Beth through thick and thin. Even when she was pushing him away, he made sure she knew he would always be there.

Beth, where do I start with her? Goodness the girl had some screws loose or something, because she had a stand up guy willing to be a part of her life and the baby. Yet she felt like her walls were closing in whenever he offer his support. There were times I just wanted to smack and say, "Come on now, he's a great guy" (I don't normally want to smack the heroine and its usually the man, but in this case she deserved my censure).

Overall, I loved this story. I think a lot of it has to do with Kevin being an awesome guy.
Plus, there some great lines in the story like:
"When the reception was over I went for a walk and... she's pregnant."  (I think it's great makes you think it just magically happens, because you walked with a girl)
"One young voice stuck out. 'Uncle Kevin's having a baby with a hooker?'" (You have to love when there is a misunderstanding when kids are around).
Last fun line which happens around Christmas time: "'Ah.' Paulie set her plate down and leaned against the counter. 'Nothing makes you crave Pepto Bismol and Xanax like decking the hall.'" (Don't we all feel that way when it comes to Christmas shopping). 
With all that's said about Undeniably Yours, I must say that it's undeniably worth the read.


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