First off, this novella is absolutely amazing. I'm so glad Sara from Harlequin Junkie suggest I read this story. Seriously it's so good for being a debut from Mary Ann Rivers. For one thing, she has written a compelling story about this guy who wants to keep things simple between him and Carrie. Yet, for some reason he wants to break all his parameters for her. Not only that, he has so many hidden layers, which makes The Story Guy a perfect title for the story. You really don't learn anything about Brian from him, but through Carrie trying to understand him.
So, here is the bottom line: If you are looking for a quick emotional read, you will find it in The Story Guy. Plus, you are watching the story unfold through Carries eyes. Which at times is a bit heartbreaking, but worth the read.
Copy provide by Random House via NetGalley
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