In the story we have Taylor Paige who loves the game. Seriously, loves baseball, so much so that she ends up as an assistant to the general manager, her dream job. Now she needs to prove herself to the GM that she can do her job, even if she really doesn't have field experience. She gets a brilliant idea (or crazy one depending on who you talk to) to make a trade that could be deem ludicrous.
Ryan Locke is a ballplayer who has been playing in the outfield for sometime, but something isn't right. Now he can't make throws like he use, but is still pretty good at bat. He's hoping for a trade to an AL (American League), so he can just become a DH (designated hitter). Unfortunately, Ryan doesn't get his wish, but ends up playing first base for the Patriots, thanks to Taylor.
I must say I did enjoyed Taylor and Ryan's story. They both love baseball, so much that they have made it their lives one way or another. Taylor is a strong independent person, but at the same time she has her vulnerabilities. Her vulnerabilities lie with her family not being happy with her choice of profession and being in a profession where she is in a minority. Not too many women in the world of baseball. However, she perseveres. Ryan, has a mental block and like most guys can't admit he has a problem and needs help.
So, throughout the story, we see Taylor trying to help Ryan and encourage him seek a professional help. Of course, Ryan has this fear of having the label with getting the help he needs, which jeopardizes his career. Plus, I did like Taylor and Ryan's relationship, which jeopardizes Taylor's career.
Overall, a pretty good read, even if I'm not a baseball fan. So, if you love baseball and hot players, you might like Curveball.
Copy provided by author
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