Anyways, I started reading thinking this should be a lot of fun. First off I had a hard time getting into the whole story. You have Caroline Oakenfeld whose about to married some guy she shouldn't really, because he just happen to ask her. Hello, he propose over the phone, if that doesn't scream "say no", I don't know what will. Then she has her best friend, Herman Edward Heckley III, as her man of honor who opposes the marriage. Plus, he's not the only one.
As I said, I had a hard time getting to the story. I think a lot of it has to do with Heck finally realizes that he might have more feelings for Caro. Yet, he's willing help her marry some jerk. However, about the middle of the story the disastrous bachelorette party had me laughing out loud. I think that party save the story for me. I had tears streaming down my face, but other than that the story was an all right read. However, if Kiss the Bride appeals to you, you might want to give it a try.
Copy provided by the publisher

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