If you remember from Animal Magnetism, you would remember Dell as the veterinarian in Sunshine and Jade as the always faithful receptionist. That's all that was needed to be known at the time. Now we are getting to know them a little bit better.
Jade had come to Sunshine 18 months prior escaping from her old life for a bit. She needed to clear her head, before going back to her old life. Let me just say she probably would have kept that little secret to the grave. So, hiding behind a computer and her spreadsheets, she helps at the vet clinic. Dell is a hot veterinarian who happens to be allergic to commit. I'm seriously surprise he didn't breakout in hives when he started a relationship with Jade. Finally, Jade's secret is let out of the bag and Dell decides to help her overcome her fears. As they get close to one another, they realize it be hard to let go of one another.
I love Jade's sassiness and how she doesn't automatically cave to Dell's charm. Dell is charming and every woman wants to be with him. However, he finds that he really likes the company of one sassy young woman who doesn't give a crap about his charm. Overall, I did enjoy listening to Animal Attraction. I can't wait to listen to Adam's story. So, you like hot sexy guy who loves animals, you might want to give Animal Attraction a try.
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