Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sunrise with a Notorious Lord by Alexandra Hawkins

I will be up front, this was not my favorite book of the Lords of Vice series. I couldn't remember why. Of course, I have been re-reading the books, since Alexandra Hawkins had a new Lords of Vice come out this past month. Here is what the story is about:

If you have been following the series you would know that Christopher Courtland, the Earl of Vanewright has been trying to avoid his mother's machination to marry him off. However, his mother has come up a foolproof plan. What can go wrong?

This time his mother has found two delightful girls who might make the perfect bride for her Christopher. The only problem is getting them to London. So, basically she gets them to partake in the season. Lady Netherly told Isabel she wanted to set up Vane with her sister Delia. Thinking what is best for the family, Isabel agrees to Lady Netherly's plan. However, it doesn't go according to plan? Or is that what they are suppose to believe.

At the beginning of the story, I remember the reason why the story wasn't my favorite. I couldn't stand Delia for being the self-absorbed girl that everyone loves. Trust me she is self-absorbed, and that's being nice. While Isabel is trying to keep the family afloat. So, much responsibility is thrown on to Isabel, because she can't count on her mother. However, that is a personal reason and it shouldn't stop you from checking out the book for yourself.

After re-reading the book, the story grew on me a little more. It's just as good as the others. Still not my top pick out of the series, but I gave it a second chance and I would re-read again. I still love the series. This book might worm its way up the ladder, but it might take sometime.

That's all for now and I hope that you are enjoying what your reading. In the next couple of days you will be seeing Saint's story. So long and happy reading.

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