Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Meat by Opal Carew (Review)

Okay, I read this because I saw the cover and said, "Yes, please." Didn't read the blurb, but I had to read it cause of the cover and the title intrigued me. Anyway, I liked Meat. It was a fairly quick read with hot scenes. However, there were a few things that didn't work for me. For instance, the BDSM part of the story. I don't mind that actually, I just couldn't do it. Cause Rex had Rebecca call him Master instead of sir. I know that it's minor and it probably shouldn't bother me, but I couldn't help giggling. Here's why: when I ever hear a character call another character master I think of a mad scientist and there lackey. Especially when the lackey goes "Yes, master, right away master." I would probably liked sir more. Oh well, that's me. The other thing was his size of his meat. I truly tried to imagine how big the thing was, because I know a woman vagina can get big enough to push out a baby. So, the idea that he was that big is kind of crazy. I was kind of disappoint with the ending, because I totally wanted them to confront the person, but hey it's a short story. Those were my issues with Meat.

Other than that I did like the story. It is a quick read that can be done in a day. Once I got pass my issues, I did like the Rebecca and Rex together. They are hot and a cold shower moments. I think Meat could have benefit from being a little longer, but it is what it is. At the end of the day, I still liked the story. Yes, there is a little drama, but by the end it all works out. Will I give Opal Carew another go, absolutely. She can definitely write some hot and bother scenes that get a girl going.

Copy provided by St. Martin via NetGalley.

3 1/2 Stars

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