Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Luck of the Draw by Kelley Vitollo

First off let me just put this out there, you know that old saying that states, "Whatever happens in Vegas... stays in Vegas." Just remember that is a complete utter lie. Seriously, what happens there can haunt you later. I'm sure I can find examples to prove my case, but I'm not. I'm sure you can find them on your own. Anyways. I'm actually going to tell what I thought about Luck of the Draw by Kelley Vitollo, since I spent half the night reading. Seriously, I couldn't put the sucker down. 
If you didn't  know it starts off with a guy and girl,  and one crazy night in Vegas. Hence that the whole Vegas intro. Instead of having the guy fleeing the scene, we have the young lady in question running away hoping to never to see the guy again.

Rowan McKinley never thought she would see Wilder ever again, but he seems to magically appear on hear doorstep a month later. So much for forgetting Vegas and keeping it there, right? Well, keeps getting better and better when she faints on Wilder. 

Breck Wilder never thought he would encounter the one-night stand in Shamrock Falls when he needed a break from his crazy life as a professional poker player. However, here she is the owner of Destiny Knocks B&B; talk about fate. 

In all honesty it wouldn't be a complete Vegas story without an accidental pregnancy or marriage. Since she snuck out without a ring on her finger, it must be a baby on the way. Now the trouble to tell Wilder what happen. This should be interesting.

Absolutely loved this story. First off, who doesn't love a story that starts off in Vegas, you know it's going to be interesting. Secondly, I love how Rowan debates on when to tell him that she was pregnant. I can understand her reluctancy since his life-style doesn't scream stable and he out-right said he didn't want to be tied down. It's a scary thing. 

Overall, I loved the emotional roller coaster ride of this story. Seriously, watching Rowan get to know Breck and seeing how she was going to tell him about the baby was amazing and well writing. Plus, waiting for the other shoe to drop and to see what he would do. The build-up was amazing. I'm so glad I got a chance to read this story. Utterly amazing and I really didn't go to bed until really late finishing the book. If you are looking for something new to read you might to try Luck of the Draw, it might be the roller coaster read your looking for.

Copy provide by the publisher.

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