Monday, January 21, 2013

Luck of the Draw Blog Tour: Interview with Kelley

Hey Everybody I would like to y’all say hello and welcome 
Kelley Vitollo.

Hi Kelley and how are you today?
I’m great. Thanks so much for having me! 

First off, I was wondering what inspired you to write this series in a small town setting?
I love writing small town romance. There’s a closeness involved that’s sometimes harder to achieve in big city books. There are small town quirks that are fun to write about too. I grew up in a small town. 

I thought the book was amazing and stayed up the whole night reading it. Do you have your own crazy Vegas adventure? If so would be willing to share or would you like to keep that hidden in Vegas? 
LOL. Nope. No adventure. I’ve only been to Vegas twice—both recently. I spent a couple hours there with my friend for her birthday and went for my husband’s cousin’s wedding. And thank you. I’m so glad you enjoyed, LUCK OF THE DRAW. 

In the story we have Ace the cat and I was wondering are you a dog or cat person? 
In a way both. We only have a dog, but I always had cats growing up. 

I think Breck and Rowan are fantastic together and adore their story. Do you have any favorite part of the book that you absolutely love or do just love the whole thing?
I have to admit that I had a lot of fun writing this book. Breck would crack me up as I wrote and I loved writing his and Rowan’s banter together. I love the scene when he shows up at the B&B. I also like a scene with Rowan, Betsy and Sidney in a parking lot. It’s a girl power, best friends kind of moment. 

Finally, I’m dying to know is there any hope for Betsy getting Jace or is there another waiting in the wind? 
Betsy and Jace are next! I’ve finished the first draft of their story and it’s off to my editor soon.

I’m sure that you have a busy schedule up ahead and I want to thank you for stopping by and I hope that you have a wonderful blog tour. Is there anything else you would like to say or add before you leave us today? 
I’d like to thank you for having me and thank the readers for reading! 

Thank you Kelley! 

If you would like more information about Kelley Vitollo you can find her at:
Kelley's Website
Facebook Fan Page
Since I love this book so much, that I'm giving away a copy of Luck of the Draw to one lucky person. Just fill out the rafflecopter and answer this question:  

Would you ever do something crazy in Vegas?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Maybe, althought not something super crazy but it might be fun xD
