Tuesday, January 29, 2013

eARC: Baby Out of the Blue by Rebecca Winters

Ok, last night I finished Baby Out of the Blue by Rebecca Winters. Let me start off by saying I really do love Harlequin's Romance line for its sappiness and warm-fuzzy feelings. With that said, I was a little disappointed with this story. I mean it had all the makings for a sappy book.

Here's what I mean:

Fran Meyers finds a baby after a tornado watch. The baby barely is alive and they rush the child to the hospital. She stays with the child till the family gets there.

Nikolos Angelis hears some devastating news and goes to the area where his sister and her family were hoping to find them. Well, he finds them (and not in a good way), but there is a person missing, Demi. Oh no! The baby is missing.

So, you see all the fixin's for a sappy story and happy endings. However, I had a hard time loving the book. Partially because Fran's best friend, Kellie, was having marital problems and wasn't willing to work it out with her husband. In a way using Fran to get away from him. So, you are dealing with that through half of the book. Her friend just seem like a Debbie Downer to me. Really sucking the happiness out of me.

Finally, we get to the point in the story where Kellie is no longer in the story. Which makes me happy, and we are able to see the budding relationship to grow. Fran has fears that affect her moving forward with Nik, and I can understand with her past divorce. However, she was also letting Kellie's feelings influence her decision too. Not cool.

What really saved the story for me, was when Fran started to hang out with Nik and not being around her friend. I don't know if her friend intentionally was trying to ruin things, but I just didn't like her. I wonder if there will be a story about the friend and husband or if that's going to hang. Anyways, the book was all right of story, once she got to know Nik. I really wanted more warm-fuzzy feelings from the story. I hope you are enjoying your day. I will talk to you soon.

Copy provided by Harlequin through NetGalley



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