Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Try again Post: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel

So Monday, I posted my review on Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel, expecting at least my friends to comment. Nope didn't happen. Well, we decided to try again. So, this might read a little differently from the original and you can always go back to see the original post.

After posting the original, I started thinking what would I say if I got to re-write what I wrote. Hmm. First of all I would say that Drew
would be one of my favorite scoundrels. He would be in the top 5. Lana an heiress looking for a respectable guy. Come on who wants that?

In the story Drew can't forget there kiss, and figures the only way to get the girl out of his system you get more action. Makes sense, right. I really did love this book. First of all who doesn't love scoundrel. Second of all there is deceit that caught me by surprise. An excellent read.

Since we are doing this all again Samantha Grace has offer give a copy of her book and it gets better a bookmark to go with this fantastic book. Now all you have to do is comment on my blog, leave your name and your email address. Then tomorrow night I will randomly pick a winner. Sounds simple.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a book that I couldn't put down.


  1. Hi Melody May,
    I like your review, because it doesn't give too much away. I primarily avoid reviews because I like to go into a book spoiler free.

    It is frustrating when people don't comment, but you are not alone. I find it easier to comment on a blog when there is a question at the end, but that could be me.

    1. Thanks for commenting. I have to be really careful when I write my book reviews cause I tend to give too much away when I get excited on about a book. Glad you stop on by.

  2. Ooooh. A scoundrel. I love me a scoundrel. *fans self* Good review, sweets!!!


    1. You gotta love scoundrel. Glad you like the reveiw.

  3. I'd be more than happy to school a scoundrel...or have one school me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I went back and read the previous review as well. This is the first time I have come to your blog or I would have commented before - especially for a glowing review and an interesting book (a little subterfuge is all good). Thank you for reposting and augmenting your review. I'll be sure to stop by your blog again soon!

    bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

  6. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you got see both post.
