All scoundrels have there code of honor of staying away from innocent girls, however when it comes to the right girl they tend throwout there code of honor, which tends be a little shake at times. Drew happens to find that in Lana. A true scoundrel to the core, especially when you enlist the help of a younger sister to capture the girl you want.
While reading this book I couldn't put it down. I mean it was fantastically well written. So, if you are looking for a new scoundrel to love you might want to pick up Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel, and fall in love with Drew and Lana's story.
Well, here is your chance to get your own personal copy of the book. Ms. Samantha Grace has offer to a lucky commenter a copy of her book. All you have to do is tell me what's a favorite in the romance book (and if you don't have one that's ok), leave your name and email. I will post the winner tomorrow morning 8am PST.
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