Saturday, October 5, 2013

Snowbound with the Soldier by Jennifer Faye

Christmas is the time of year where miracles and forgiveness. In Jennifer Faye's new book Snowbound with the Soldier, we find a Christmas miracle and forgiveness.

Wounded war hero Jason Greene never planned on returning to his hometown after he left. However, circumstances forces him home to face the past. Bitter about things that happen seven years early, Jason has a hard time forgiving his father and refuses to see the man that sent his life into a tailspin.

Kara Jameson could have held onto her grudge and not forgive Jason for jilting her seven years early. However, she has manage to forgive him and has been trying to move forward since that time. She was picture Jason and herself travel the world. Yet, events changed everything for Kara.

Yes, Snowbound with the Soldier is a story about forgiving the past and moving forward. Kara is a sweet young woman who made a mistake after Jason left and she has a fear that he won't forgive her when he learns the truth. Jason tends to be a tad bit unforgiving and can hold a grudge. Jason has the opportunity to repeat the past if he's willing to take a chance.

Overall, Snowbound with the Soldier is a sweet story that brings two ex-lovers back together during a time where hope abounds. Yes, heart-warming as these two slowly learn to trust one another again. So, if you are looking for a christmas story with miracles and forgiveness, you might want to give Snowbound with the Soldier a try.

Copy provided by author


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