Friday, August 19, 2016

Tame the Shame (Blogger Shame Review Challenge): The Unforgettable Hero by Valerie Bowman

Blogger Shame

Okay, it's time to bust out some Queen with Another Bites the Dust. Seriously, I amuse myself. Anyway, I tackled another shame. Now, I have under 20 to go. WOOT! *Happy Dance*. Todays same is Valerie Bowman's The Unforgettable Hero, so lets dive in:

What can I say about The Unforgettable Hero. First off, if you haven't read the previous books you will be fine. This story focuses on Adam Hunt and Valerie doesn't delve to deep into what happen to Adam. Basically, Adam is trying to move forward from his mishap and try to figure out his way when he stumbles upon Cecelia Harcourt who happens to get hit by a carriage. Now she's in the care of Adam and his family, and she can't remember who she is and believes she's her character from her story. Plus, she believes Adam is her intended.

Okay, cute story, but a little farfetched. I guess the story could have been dragged out a little longer, but I think it's probably for the best that it was a novella. I do love Valerie's work, I would say that this wouldn't be my favorite. Like I said its a cute story, but I'm looking forward to her next book. This story was able to give Adam purpose, find a wife, and give filler to the series. Overall, not bad. 

Copy provided by St. Martin via NetGalley.

3 Stars

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