Monday, August 29, 2016

Mad for the Plaid by Karen Hawkins (Review)

If you have been keeping up with the Orenburg Princes books you would have notice that the Grand Duchess has a tendency to get herself in a pickle and needs one her grandson's to rescue her, along the way they find their true love. However, Tata didn't get herself in the current pickle, I know surprising. Now her oldest is needs to rescue her from somewhere out of the middle of nowhere Scotland. At the beginning Nik, isn't too impress with Ailsa. However, the more he gets to know her.

In Mad for the Plaid we get to know Nik a little better and we learn that he's more than a womanizer. However, he does put up walls when he's around people. Yet, they start coming down when he gets to know Ailsa. Now Ailsa is tenacious youngest child who has been left to care for family's castle. She has everything to prove.

All pretty Mad for the Plaid was a pretty good read. We have Nik, Ailsa, and their entourage on the search for Nik's grandmother. However, nothing goes according to plan. At first I thought it was one person given the circumstances it made total sense, but Karen manage to throw a curve ball which caught me off guard. Impressive. Mad for the Plaid made a nice conclusion for the series. You have adventure, deceit, and romance all wrapped into one. Anyway, who doesn't love a foreign prince getting knock done a peg or two.

Copy provided by Pocket Books via NetGalley

4 Stars

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