Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dare to Run by Jen McLaughlin (Review)

Things I absolutely LOVE: The Cover! Oh my gosh when I saw this I almost wet myself with excitement. Seriously, that is a damn sexy cover. So, I was pumped about the book and I enjoyed Jen previous books. Totally amp to start Dare to Run.

Then I started to read Dare to Run, and it was a struggle. I didn't have trouble with story being dirty and gritty, my trouble was pacing. Yes, Lucas and Heidi had a great chemistry, but Lucas would keep her at arms distance feeling he wasn't good enough. After all she looked like an angel. I think I would have been okay had Lucas straight up told Heidi she was in eminent danger instead of being so damn secretive. She knew who he was and what gang he belonged, so it would be such a stretch. Instead she felt more like a prisoner at times.

There were times I had to ask myself why am I continuing the story. We saw a lot of Heidi's thoughts with "oh my gosh he's so hot, but he's trouble I can't get involved with him." Those aren't the actual words, but close enough. Then we have Lucas saying similar things, "I can't involved with her, because she's too good for me." Vital information here: past experience equal out the playing field, but both are closed mouth.

The parts that I enjoyed the most were the parts he thought his brother, Scotty, was trying to kill him. I'm thinking oh damn that's fucked up, but still add a little action. I also liked when his best friend, Chris, would pop in here and there.

I was about to blow this book, but it was a last 25% where it started to get good. The last portion of Dare to Run had me and I had to find out what the hey is going on. Things start to go down and I wonder how the hell the next book is going to play out, because of everything that went down in Dare to Run. Chris is an interesting character to say the least and I'm curious.

Overall, Dare to Run rough start and I almost gave up. I didn't mind Lucas's cocky, asshole personal, but when he found his week spot for Heidi it was all downhill for him. I liked Heidi, because her bullshit reader didn't stand Lucas's asshole personal (granted on some level it wasn't all played up). Not a bad read, and I hope that the rest gets better.

Copy provided by Berkley via NetGalley

3 Stars

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