How do you know
if your Sig-O is a true gentleman/lady? Ask yourself a few questions…
First, do his or
her best moves, smoothest lines, and cleverest flirtations only come out in
public, or are the housework sessions equally likely to produce the verbal
roses and melting glances from across the laundry pile?
The hallmark of a
player is that their repertoire is best displayed when there’s an audience to
play to. The true gentleman or lady isn’t playing, so the good stuff can come
your way any old day or night of the week.
Second, does he
or she deliver the fun and flirtation in you statements (“You
look good in anything… and in nothing at all.”) Do they keep to the
I-statements when the topic is difficult? (“I can come off irritated any time
we talk about money because I’m afraid I’m not pulling my share of the load. I
don’t mean to sound that way, and I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”)
The guy or gal
who lapses into the you-always, and you-never accusations in the middle of a
difficult conversation hasn’t learned to fight fair. Time to whip out a few
remedial lessons from the relationship Code Duello, or find another waltzing
Third, does he or
she have the touch? Always respectful in public—even when respectfully
affectionate—always cool with your respectful affections too?
The ladies and
gents who treasure us the most know better than to cross that line,
and we treasure them right back for their gallant attentions.
Fourth, do they
listen to us? We’ve all had the experience of being on a date or in a
discussion, and the person we’re with has checked out. They’re eying the door,
the clock, their cool new app, or if there’s a mirror on hand (store window,
shiny plate, mirror app), themselves. Um… that would be a no.
Fifth, are they
honorable? Do they give you the sense that at all times, the person you’re with
will be guided by kindness and honesty, even when neither is convenient for
them? If that’s the consistent vibe—truth and compassion as their defining
values—you are in the company of a true lady or a true gentleman.
Here’s the best
part: True ladies and true gentlemen tend to be discerning people, for all they
are also gracious, kind, honest, and excellent company. If you’ve found a true
lady or gentleman for your very own, and they reciprocate your regard, chances
are they have found a true lady or gentleman in you too!
True Gentlemen, 2
Author: Grace
November 3, 2015
Sourcebooks Casablanca
An honorable
Daniel Banks is a
man of the cloth whose vocation is the last comfort he has left-and even his
churchman's collar is beginning to feel like a noose. At the urging of family,
Daniel attempts to start his life over as vicar in the sleepy Kentish town of
Haddondale, family seat to the earls of Bellefonte.
Challenged by
Lady Kirsten
Haddonfield has resigned herself to a life of spinsterhood. Then the handsome
new village vicar, Reverend Daniel Banks, becomes a guest of the Haddonfield
family while the vicarage is being renovated, and Kirsten finds herself
rethinking her position. Lady Kirsten does not know that Daniel's past is about
to cast a shadow on love's future.
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