Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Other Duke by Jess Michaels (Review)

Last week I finished reading The Other Duke by Jess Michaels, and for the last week I have been trying to form my thoughts. Don't get me wrong I did liked the story, but I felt like there was something missing. I finally come to my conclusion, there is a lack of drama.

We have Rafe who inherits a dukedom and a fiancée all at once. He's not thrilled, but he's willing to make the best of the situation. Serafina finds out her finds out her fiancée dies and she feels the burden lifted for like second, and her father tells her the wedding is still on to the new duke. Basically she makes a deal with Rafe that once she has done her duty she is free to live her life and Rafe can carry on the life he was living prior. Along the way, he wants to change the rules cause he starts to fall for her. Basically, Rafe is a nice guy and he bends over backwards for Serafina. Serafina has one foot out the door throughout the story. I'm not a huge fan of heroines who aren't willing to give a fellow a chance, because she had one bad experience.

A pretty mellow read with some steamy scenes. One of the things I liked was how the Flynns unite when they face a problem, and you do see that they have a strong family values. Overall, The Other Duke is an all right read. It's the first book in a new series, and I hope to see a little more drama in the next couple of books. Don't get me wrong there was a little drama, it was subtle, always in the background and it didn't completely manifest itself until the end. So, I'm curious what is going to happen with Annabelle and Crispin (Rafe's brother and sister).

Copy provided by author

3 Stars


  1. I've got this one on my wishlist for some day. I do enjoy her books. Hope the next one brings a little more drama for ya :)

  2. Me too, and I hope for more drama in the next one too.
