Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Way You Look Tonight by Bella Andre

It's that time month again. Yes, it's HEA Book Club again and this months selection is The Way You Look Tonight by Bella Andre. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion even if you haven't read the book. The Live Chat starts at 6pm PST/9pm EST at Harlequin Junkie website. Now let's get on with my thoughts.

All right the quick sum up of The Way You Look Tonight. Basically, Rafe Sullivan is a private investigator and needs to take a break from it all. His sister Mia was able to find out that their old cabin was on the market. So, they decided to snatch it up. When he gets there, he finds out that the place is a dump and needs some tender loving care. What he never expect to see was Brooke Jansen and all grown up. The last time Rafe saw her was when she was a cute sweet innocent little girl.

Okay, that's the extreme quick sum up. Overall, The Way You Look Tonight was a nice read. There wasn't really any drama and the drama that happen was more towards the end. Honestly, the drama wasn't such a big deal. Rafe and Brooke's relationship happen quickly. Granted they knew each other years ago, but they were much younger. Things happen that make people change. Rafe's main problem is he's cynical and believes no one is trustworthy. Plus, he believes Brooke is too trusting.

Honestly, The Way You Look Tonight was an all right read. There were some sweet moments and quite bit of sex. Did I wish there was a little more drama? Yes. However, it was fairly quick read and nothing to take too serious. It's one of those stories that's not going to tax your brain (aka brain candy). So, if you are looking for fluff to read, you can give The Way You Look Tonight a try.


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