Sunday, December 31, 2017

Just Thinking: The Last Post of the Year

We have finally come to the end of the year. YAY! Now to plan for bigger and better things, or at least try. This year I have manage to read 153 books, at least according to Goodreads. I felt most of them were mediocre, but to my surprise I did read 21 books that I deemed 5 Stars, which is impressive, because towards the end I didn't feel that way. I did get a chance to learn the values of Molly Harper, by the way she was a lifesaver for when I stuck in the monotony of books that didn't grab my attention. Yes, I would recommend The Jane Jameson books. However, I think my favorite book would probably be The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare. This book almost cost me a limb on the elliptical, but would have been worth it. 

Now to my least favorite book of the year. Since there were only two that got one star I might as well mention them Roulette by Megan Mulry, I couldn't get pass chapter 7. Seriously when the heroine is in a relationship and because she's in another country doesn't give you a pass to cheat. Then to hear the hero cheats on her, I guess what goes around comes around, but they end up together. So not for me. The other read was Almost A Bride by Jo Watson. This story had so much potential to be great, but it flopped. I think my favorite line from my review on this was "I felt Almost A Bride was a train wrecked that derailed in crazy town." 

Now for going forward, I plan to do Blogger Shame Challenge which is Herding Cats & Burning Soup is hosting. I also signed up for another challenge through her, Blog All About It, which is you write about a certain prompt each month. I don't know what else I will be adding to the mix. I guess we will see what the new year brings. 

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful New Year, and don't party too hard. 

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