Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Audiobook Review: Nice Girls Don't Live Forever by Molly Harper

By far Nice Girls Don't Live Forever is my favorite in the Jane Jameson books. Seriously, THE BEST! I love this book, because Jane has enough of Gabriel's crap. Don't get me wrong, Gabriel is awesome, but he's an idiot until we get closer to the end. I love that Jane basically tells him off. All she wanted was a little honesty. Gabriel is a total idiot with the way he tries to keep Jane safe. Honest could have saved them both the pain and suffer they put each other through. However, that's not all. A lot of things happen in this story, which makes me love Jane. I love that Jane decided to put on her big girl panties and show the world that Jane Jameson is awesome. Okay, it takes a little time in the story.

Nice Girls Don't Live Forever is the best one, at least I think so. After listening to this story, I totally started all over again. Yes, I listened to this story two times in a row. I mean you have Jane basically telling Gabriel off, Dick and Andrea get together, and Zeb and Jolene are having babies. Plus, we have someone trying to kill Jane, and Mr. Wainwright's nephew comes to town. Packed with a humor and good time.  Even though Jane is the main character, I absolutely love Dick Cheney is this book. His character has grown so much over the course of series, but he's my favorite. Plus, he's the older brother Jane never had. So, if you are looking for a great way to escape I would recommend Jane Jameson books. Seriously, you have to start from the beginning. Granted she does recap a little, but it's so much better to start from the beginning. If you choose to listen to the audio version Amanda Ronconi does an amazing job with the series.

5 Stars

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