Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare (Review)

It's been a while since I last read a Tessa Dare book. The funny thing is I have a lot of her books too. A lot has to do with I'm a sucker for a mighty fine cover. Tessa seriously has the best covers. The Duchess Deal is no exception. Yes, I did read this book cause of the cover and the title. Another clickbait for me is Dukes. Yep, I'm a sucker for a good Duke story. Come on I did a whole blog post on my love for Dukes, but that's beside the point.

Now The Duchess Deal is a fantastic story. I'm saying this, because Tessa Dare is popular with the readers. Oh no, this story had me laughing, crying (but not the ugly cry), and so much more. I can't come up with words to describe my feeling for this book. This story should be on an auto-buy list. I don't say that too often, but this was definitely has me wanting in my collection, and hankering for the next book.

Now you are wondering why I LOVED The Duchess Deal. First off, it's a Beauty and the Beast kind of theme. We have disfigured Duke of Ashbury. He feels who could ever love someone who is so disfigured and ghastly. He's a bit beastly towards Emma. All he can think of is she's marrying for his money. In sum aspects she is, but she's not a gold-digger. Her motives for marrying Ashbury are kind of altruistic, but she grows to love him. Of course she sees the kind and gentle side. He seriously plays up the beast part by being sort of vigilante. So, we have that going on with the story, but the banter between these two is fabulous. I started this story in the gym, and let me say it was big mistake. Trying to keep steady and read was a challenge. Seriously, these two slay me with their conversation.

The Duchess Deal is definitely a page turner. If you haven't tried a Tessa Dare I would highly recommend trying The Duchess Deal. It's witty, smart, and funny, but it's also has good emotional kick to it too. Overall, a good read for all.

Copy provided by Avon via Edelweiss

5 Stars

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