What would readers be surprised to find out about you?
I met my husband in first grade. And on the first day of school, he came home and announced that he was going to marry Ruthie Ryan. (And did, sixteen years later.)
Tell us about your writing process. Do you start with an idea or a character?
I start with both. A bare-bones idea about an interesting plot, and the kind of character who would make it work.
Do you know what’s going to happen from the beginning or do you figure it out as you write?
I figure it out as I write, or rather, as the characters write their story.
What’s one book you read in the last 6 months that has left a lasting impression and why?
When I’m not writing, I love reading biographies. I love seeing how and where famous world figures started out, and where they ended up. My latest bio was MORNINGS ON HORSEBACK by David McCullough. A biography of Theodore Roosevelt. He went from feeble boy with crippling asthma to a rugged Rough Rider living a strenuous life. He was so far-seeing that he set aside thousands of acres of wilderness as our National Parks, and bullied himself all the way to the White House. Just a fascinating, larger-than-life character. I highly recommend it.
If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Hemmingway. He’d be a great story-teller and a shameless flirt. J. D. Salinger. He’s such a solitary, secretive writer. Shakespeare – because he’s Shakespeare.
What’s one characteristic that you like to give all your heroes?
A kind heart.
What’s a “must” have that every heroine you write has?
Basic goodness.
Lightning Round w/ Heroine: Vanessa Kettering
a. I’d never be caught dead in…a lie. And yet I’m forced to live one for a little while.
b. On a Friday night you can find me…in a high-end restaurant in Chicago, but here in Montana, at Clay’s Pig Sty.
c. One thing my family and friends would be surprised to know about me is…I’ve gone country.
RC Ryan
Forever Romance